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Is Space Clearing the Same as Feng Shui?

Is Space Clearing the Same as Feng Shui?


Space Clearing and Feng Shui

Recently, a potential client called to say that she had elected to work with a “space clearer” instead of going forward with a Feng Shui consultation. I don’t take these rejections personally, because I know that this individual doesn’t understand the real difference between the two. It might be on par with calling a doctor with no regard for their specialty.

Space clearing can be explained in two basic formats. When there has been a lot of sickness, anguish, arguments, or any unpleasant episode in a house, then “space clearing” techniques can make the home feel like a heavy weight has been lifted away from it. Many people are familiar with some space clearing rituals, such as burning sage inside or around a property, but there are also other procedures that can involve chiming bells, thorough cleaning of every surface, prayers, distributing salt on the floors and a number of other rituals.

These activities can result in a temporary shift in the chi of a room. Chiming bells can cut through a “stuck” magnetic field and salt can absorb excessive moisture in a room.

But the operative word is “temporary.” Space clearing techniques are not as substantial or specific as Feng Shui remedies. Unless someone was dedicated to doing space clearing rituals every day, (which could easily take an hour or more of time) I doubt that the chi in a room would be continually balanced.

An example of a place that might not need a literal Feng Shui analysis is the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. This is a place of worship for Sikhs, where there has been almost continuous chanting 24 hours per day for hundreds of years. In this example, “space clearing” vibrations are going on continuously. The Golden Temple would actually be a very interesting Feng Shui case study because it is surrounded by a man-made lake on all four sides. The building also has entrance doors on all four sides to symbolize their openness to people of all religions.

Another reason for using space clearing techniques is when there is an actual ghost in the house that needs to be removed, but unless the person doing the space clearing is in fact a very pure channel, then it might be better to bring in someone more experienced to do this kind of work.

The difference between space clearing and Feng Shui is that space clearing does not always address the cause of the problems which space clearing attempts to “clear away.” Classical Feng Shui can reveal if a house has a tendency to cause problems with money, fertility, relationships, accidents, health matters, legal problems, even attracting ghosts. Then, there are Feng Shui remedies which can be installed and work on a semi-permanent basis. Most of the time, space clearing is a nice, complementary modality to Feng Shui, but not a permanent solution.

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About the Author

Connect with Kartar Diamond and Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui ® at

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