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Learn How To Really Use Astrology

Learn How To Really Use Astrology


Astrology: Come On, Get A Grip!

Come on, get a grip and learn how to really use astrology! Astrology is more than your sun sign. It is a blueprint: a snapshot of the moment of your birth. It is a framework: a map you can use to explore who you are, why you are here, and what challenges and strengths you have in this life. What lessons are you here to learn? Past lives can be evaluated, too! It helps you understand why you are the way you are. Why do you have certain triggers, or why does one thing come so easily and other things cause such struggles? How do you see and experience the world around you? If you increase your understanding, you can start flowing with and not against the universal energy current. Learn how to use it and you will bring more comfort and ease into your life, while gaining greater understanding of why you attract certain experiences.


Astrology: do we make a hullabaloo among the stars, or do they make a hullabaloo down here? ~ Mason Cooley


Empaths and HSP’s have heightened sensitivity to energy. You take sensory perception and respond in some way. Energy flows through everything, similar to the force in Star Wars. All things are made of energy. The form something physically takes is dependent on its rate of vibration. Similarly, there are emotional energy vibrations. You relate or react to an energetic vibration depending on whether you are vibrating from a lower or higher vibration (chakra energy and its archetypes). How does astrology fit in? What information does astrology have to offer you? What experiences are you attracting?


Astrology is just a finger pointing at reality. ~ Steven Forrest


Think of it this way: we are all connected and here having an individual experience. What is inside is also projected outside. As the saying goes, “as above, so below.” Astrology can act as a mirror showing you the bigger picture, the macro-vision. A really good astrologer will tell you how the planets are moving and what themes are being triggered. Themes occur because the planets are archetypal: actors on a universal stage. It sets the tone or mood; does that mean you respond by reacting to it? Do you become part of the play?


The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection… ~ Carl Jung


Micro-vision is how you and your individual experience are developing. Do you need to be triggered? Is there something you need to learn or experience for your growth and evolution? If you have mastered or simply don’t need an experience, then the play will unfold and you will observe without participating. If you need it, then the stage is yours and the planets will offer you a framework of lines. Here is the neat thing; you can ad-lib. You are always in control of how you respond. Free will is an awesome thing!

Each zodiac sign has an archetype that reflects a developmental stage. Because of that, the lens from which you see the world is colored. Rick DiClemente conveys in his book, The Exquisite Zodiac, “Deep within each sign’s imprint lies a force field that drives us: its archetype. It is alive, vibrant, intelligent, and its essential nature is integral to the whole. By heeding its call, we not only stay in sync with ourselves, but also with the universe. The time has come for us to comprehend our deeper connection to our own individual archetypal patterns, as well our connection to the larger collective.”


Astrology is like a deep ocean … anybody can get knowledge through going deeply in water and get some drops of nectar of this divine knowledge. ~ Onkarlal Sharma Prmad, Astrology and Its Utility

See Also
Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2020 OMTimes


Astrology is a tool for your empathic toolbox. It is not a daily prediction of fortune; some sort of mandate that you are shackled with. Rather, it acts as a thermostat measuring the collective us and the individual you. Look at it as your energetic weather report. Do you need an umbrella today? If you find yourself on stage, then with awareness choose your lines. You have been gifted with a starring role and an opportunity to self-reflect, grow, and evolve…if you choose. Give a stellar performance!

Choosing an astrologer is like choosing a trusted advisor, do so with discernment. The difference is someone knowing astrology and someone who understands astrology: big difference. A good reference can be found at where there are some juicy nuggets in the archives!

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About the Author

Lynn Zambrano advises and trains empaths all over the world to use their gifts to change their lives and the lives of others. You CAN feel better.

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