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Oracle for March 2015 – Piercing

Oracle for March 2015 – Piercing


The Energy of Piercing

by Darity Wesley

Piercing – The energies and directions for the month of March are evolving around the next step in this year of cracking, piercing, or busting out of this illusion as much as we can or care to.

We began in January with calling forth the Willpower to open our eyes and take a look to see that, indeed, there is the possibility that this is all just an illusion, and our next step, in February, was to focus our Attention to see what, if anything, we could see. Can we realize some experience of the illusion? Can we get a feel for what the Oracle is talking about? This may be new to many of us yet it is so important to know these are the steps that will bring more of an expansion of our very own spiritual consciousness as we move to understand what this brings to us.

Now, in this month of March, Spirit leads us to our next step, practicing how we pierce, or lift, the veil on the illusion so we can see beyond the illusion, or at least begin to recognize that there is a reality that exists behind it all. It is known as the spiritual realm, the metaphysical realm. What does it mean for our spiritual growth? Oh, do, read on…

As always, the Oracle feels it is important that words be defined as knowing what a word really means rather than what we think it means adds more to our understanding of what the Oracle is pointing us to. So, we have to do it, even with the word “Pierce.” Doing this reminds us that the more accurate we are in understanding the concept, the more accurate we are with our intentions The more accurate we are with our intentions as we move along our spiritual path, especially to pierce the illusion, the more able we are to manifest what it is we are wanting. Therefore, let’s see how that works with the word “Pierce,” eh?

So, for the sake of possibly deeper understanding of seeing beyond the illusion this month of March, the Merriam Webster dictionary defines “Pierce” as: “to run into or go through in a forceful or noticeable way.” “To penetrate with the eye or the mind.” This is, indeed, what we are talking about here.

Part of our quest for knowledge, spiritually, and metaphysically, is best pursued if we understand that it is all about, this illusion. What is this illusion? How do we “see” beyond it? The Oracle says we see beyond it by piercing it, by going through it in a forceful or noticeable way, by penetrating it with the mind, really to lift the veil.

The desire to pierce the veil is an important one for those on the spiritual path and a story I read a long time ago impressed me so much it has stuck with me and I share it because in piercing the illusion, in lifting the veil, we must always continue to strive and not give up in our search.

This story is about being wise, which is truly about our spiritual search. It was told, as I remember, by the Rosicrucian Max Heindel, a Danish-American Christian occultist, astrologer and mystic. It was an old story of a young man who came to the old sage and asked “Sir, what must I do to become wise?” The sage did not answer. He came back the next day to ask his question again “Sir, what must I do to become wise?” Again no answer. He came back yet again the third day and asked the old sage “Sir, what must I do to become wise?”

This time, the old sage took him to the river and held him under the water, despite the young man’s struggle to free himself. Finally the old sage released him and after he had caught his breath, the sage asked him: “Son when you were under the water what did you most desire?” “Air, air, sir, I wanted air.” “Would you not rather have had riches, pleasure, power or love, my son?” Did you know think of any of these?” “No sir, only air, I thought only of air.” Then the sage said, “To become wise you must desire wisdom with as great an intensity as you just now desired air. You must struggle for it to the exclusion of every other aim in your life. If you seek wisdom with that fervor my son, you will surely become wise.”

If we seek piercing the illusion, lifting the veil, with that kind of fervor, there will be leaps in consciousness beyond our imagination. So what does lifting the veil, piercing the illusion mean? It means being able to remember who we are and what our higher purpose is.

It is about going beyond the connection, the attachment to our physical being, thinking that we are that bag of skin. It’s about understanding what we are learning now, scientifically, about the subtle energies about the truth of the higher realms. It is knowing that our higher consciousness is our primary reality, and it is learning to see the world through the eyes of our higher self and being able to discriminate between what is true and what is illusory.

Remember, this Oracle is always just a sign post. An opportunity for you to exercise your real live, true knowing deep in your heart that there is, indeed, more than this third, fourth or fifth dimensional reality.

Now, this month of March, is the time to take up this next challenge in piercing the illusion: How would our lives change if all our illusions were gone and we knew, as we likely do, that there is a higher truth? We would, more than likely, choose those things that make us feel good, things that were a real and true expression of who we are. We would be able to accurately assess situations. We would know what actions to take that would produce the result we want. We would have the ability to recognize the level of other folks understanding and their level of development, thereby having the ability to interact with them at that place. We would know what is true for us, not what others tell us was true.

See Also

We would see beyond people’s personalities to their higher selves with compassion and understanding not judgment and criticism. There is much to be seen and understood when we touch even the corner of the veil and lift it up. So much more.

As with all signposts, this Oracle points us to consider expanding our spiritual consciousness and remembering, always, that Love and Trust will follow us. Pierce the veil and meditate on what it will bring to us for our growth and personal development. See there are different ways to do things, different ways to be…the higher road, the peaceful road, the loving road…

Bring light and clarity to all that is going on by piercing the veil even a little, it will serve us all well. It will truly ground us further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all we need is love…it will propel us more and more into the expansion of our ability to lift the veil on the illusion!

Let your mantra for the month of March be: I AM serving evolution and myself by finding what is beautiful in each person I encounter and sending light and love everywhere through my eyes, my mind, and my heart…And So It Is!!!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2015 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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