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Palmistry: Language of the Hands

Palmistry: Language of the Hands

Palmistry: A Brief Look at the Language of the Hands

By Cassandria Hanna

There has never been conceived or made by man any instrument, machine or contrivance capable of such a diversity of usefulness as the human hand. Nothing has ever existed with such infinite adaptability to various needs or capable of being trained to such degrees of dexterity and versatility. ~ William G. Benam, The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading

Palmistry, the ancient art of hand analysis, is the science of reading people’s hands in order to gain insight into their lives. The hand has lines and markings that tell a story in great detail. In palmistry, this story or road map of signs and symbols is an unsurpassed tool in understanding the potentials and limitations as well as the character and emotional personality of the hand that is to be read. The symbols or markings on the palm do not remain the same; they will change as our lives change.

People are fascinated with palmistry because they can see the evidence right before their eyes. I became interested in palm reading after taking a course in parapsychology. This course of study included palmistry, numerology, I-Ching, and astrology. I continued my studies with palmistry and developed great interest. It was amazing to learn that there are secrets hidden in the palm.

There is tremendous satisfaction in the study of palmistry. This highly respected art form was part of the culture of many ancient civilizations: Chinese, Hebrews, Egyptians, Hindus, Buddhists, Tibetans and Babylonians. Great minds such as Aristotle, Plato, Karl Jung and Julius Speer have all used palmistry in their work.

There was a period in time when palmistry fell out of favor. Due to its’ detractors, primarily the Christian Church, who inflicted the greatest damage to the reputations of hand readers in Europe, palmistry was branded devil worship and forced underground. A revival of palmistry began after the Renaissance Period (1600) and continued into the 20th century.

As a respected art form, palmistry spread across Europe and America thanks to the efforts of the charismatic William John Warner, aka Count Louis Hamon or Cheiro. Through his numerous readings, interest in palmistry quickly increased.

With that said, great effort in research and development has been made. In addition to taking DNA samples, many law enforcement agencies still examine latent prints to identify suspects in crimes. To the palmist, the same latent fingerprints reveal a person’s deeper thinking processes – the genetically inherited manner in which a person processes information as well as the personality and character of the individual.

The palmist knows how to examine and interpret this evidence since the undisputed facts are etched into the palms. Everyone has the ability to tap into his or her potential for insight and greater understanding of this art form. Palmistry tells who you are and how you think. It just takes an open mind and regular practice to interpret the information. As William Benam said, “Nothing has ever existed with such adaptability to various needs.” What would we do without our hands!

During a session, the palmist will examine both hands. This is done because each hand is unique, and there are differences between the palm lines of each hand. The palmist will analyze the direction and quality of the lines for each hand. Both hands contain a record of the past, present and potential for the future. Whether there are perceived mistakes made or positive choices made, this will register on the palms.

The major and minor lines can then be comparable to a road map that is guided by our thoughts. The line’s quality and effectiveness will determine the smoothness of this road – how healthy and comfortable our travels in life will be or how bumpy and erratic.

Besides the major and minor lines, there are numerous markings that periodically appear on the palm. These markings enhance or block the action of a major line or indicate changes in a person’s life style. They are not permanent and will disappear as quickly as they appeared – within a week or month.

Let’s try a quick hand analysis using the following illustration. This is a right hand.

This hand shape is square with comparatively short fingers, which indicates a fire shaped hand. This person will take the lead in any situation, is enthusiastic, lively and exciting. When it comes to decision-making, the finger space (between index and middle) does show a tendency to work well with others.

A) There is a full firm thumb ball below the thumb indicating good energy reserves with passion and human warmth. These energy reserves are important because the numerous lines B) on the thumb ball show a person that is in a stress related job with family stress.

C) The Life line, between the thumb and the index finger, shows stress and many ups and downs in childhood. This will continue through the mid-20’s.

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negative energy signature OMTimes

At its’ beginning with the Life line, the Head line shows mental disruptions D). As the Head line moves across the palm, the earlier tension has gone. By the late 20’s, the Head line is stable and shows a more practical way of thinking.

The Life line separates from earlier stress indicators and later shows an erratic display of energy and vitality E) toward the center of the palm near the wrist.

F) The Heart line shows this person tends to review past hurts too frequently in spite of handling matters of the heart quite well. There is evidence of strong intuitive gifts G) (the Mystic cross in the center of the palm between the Head and Heart lines). There may be interests in alternative medicines, such as energy healing, herbs, oil, etc.

H) Finally, the Fate/Career line indicates service-oriented work by choice that continues up to age 65. There is a fork at this point (age 65) indicating a second job; one job has lost its’ passion and the other is focused on status and money.

There will always be a future for one who studies and masters this art form call palmistry. The answers are all written in the hand is a truth that still exists today.

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About the Author

Cassandria Hanna is a palmist, teacher and author of palmistry books used in her classes: Getting Started (Beginner), Becoming Skilled (Intermediate) and Expert (Advanced). In addition, Cassandria is an Intuitive Medium, Karuna Reiki Master and musician.

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