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What Is Your Spiritual Password?

What Is Your Spiritual Password?


by Carl Studna

In today’s world we are filled with a multitude of passwords to remember, being advised that they all be different to maintain greater security. Each password (assuming we remember it) unlocks its own unique storehouse of information that we access to function, create and work in this era of cyber-technology. Consider how frustrating it can be when you forget your password and you’re unable to open your most treasured documents that you desperately need in that moment! If you haven’t written it down or filed it, you’re led down a laborious path of answering a variety of security questions in order to have it sent to you. If you’ve forgotten any of your security answers, you’re then led down another rabbit hole.

Ideally, passwords exist in order to support us and keep our valued information private, yet they’ve become a dreaded curse for those of us whose strengths are not cyber-system savvy.What is your spiritual password?

Moving away from the world of technology (even though you’re reading this on a computer) and into the spiritual realm, let’s consider an entirely different password. What is that encoded formula that brings you to your center, to that quiet purview where all is still and clear? What is your spiritual password?

For some, it might be a daily meditation practice that quiets the mind and unlocks the Universe’s wise and perfect information for you to gleam. For others, perhaps it’s a daily yoga routine or a walk in nature that opens the door to greater clarity. Whatever the form, it’s necessary that you develop an effective formula that brings a daily anchoring into the realm of mindful listening, honoring and action. Once the form is anchored in consciousness through daily repetition, it becomes your spiritual password that you can always count on, giving you full access to the infinite realms of information found within.

The good news is that your spiritual password can always remain the same! You can count on it to consistently take you where you need to go as long as you memorize it and make it a habit. It will always unlock spirit’s perfect guidance and wisdom as your life. The only hackers you need to worry about are your own “monkey mind” thoughts that steer you away from center. Be as diligent in ridding these distracting thoughts as you would be in using anti-virus software to clear away viruses and malware that infect your digital system!

The monkey mind is so clever it will convince you that its thoughts are the most important to honor in that moment. You might be in the midst of a still, clear meditation when a thought creeps in and tells you that you need to get moving with your day of seemingly countless responsibilities. The thought will appear so convincing that you curtail your still, contemplative time and succumb to the fear-based concern. You have choice in that moment to recognize that this thought is based in fear, and choose to resume your meditative practice.

How do we discern whether a thought is fear-based or a genuine insight to honor? If the thought carries with it a tight energy that causes you to constrict in your body, mind or feelings, odds are that it’s based in fear. If, however, the thought brings an insight that feels inspiring and uplifting, it can be beneficial to pause your meditation and journal about this insight. Revelations often surface when our minds are still and can be of immeasurable service in connecting dots that ignite our truest and most powerful path.

Spiritual passwords exist in many forms. Here are few examples of spiritual passwords:


Examples of Spiritual Passwords

  • A repeated mantra throughout your meditation
  • Focus on every in-breath and out-breath throughout your meditation
  • Visualizing light beaming throughout every part of your body and energy system
  • A still walk in the woods, on the beach or anywhere in nature that feeds you


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We must become spiritual warriors in our unwavering commitment to knowing, without a shadow of doubt the essential need to be still, listen and honor our internal guidance. This trust must outweigh all of our daily concerns. Certainly not ignoring our responsibilities, but giving priority to that wise, clear voice within that builds a stronger foundation every time that we listen, allow and honor it’s calling.

Stay true to your spiritual password and witness your life aligning with the infinite intelligence that always provides its perfect wisdom through and as you. This password is the passport to your richest of freedom, aliveness, purpose and service. Bring it on!

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About the Author

Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and award winning author. Carl’s intimate portraits of influential people ranging from Sir Paul McCartney to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, are published and known worldwide. Carl has taken his message and experiences to print in his book, CLICK! Choosing Love One Frame at a Time. Studna’s innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within revealing each person’s authentic gifts.

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