3 Symptoms of a Lost Soul

Are you a Lost Soul?
What Are Lost Souls?
by Andrea Schulman
Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift. For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitive guidance coming from their higher selves. In doing so, they have also cut themselves off from feeling the infinite love of the universe, and this leads to struggle, anger and sadness. As a result, a lost soul’s life may be very challenging.
If you are currently working to raise your vibration and follow your highest path, you probably find it difficult to interact with lost souls. These individuals can be some of the most frustrating people to deal with because they radiate lower vibrational energy, and the way that they interact with others can be quite off-putting.
However, if we want to help these people, we must react with sympathy, rather than anger and hostility. Lost souls need unconditional love more than the rest of us because they are so starved for it. Although this may be challenging at times, love and acceptance are really the only things we can give to help others who have lost their way.
With that being said, here are some of the frustrating symptoms of a lost soul, and how best for us to react in order to help them:
The Three Symptoms of a Lost Soul
Lost Soul Symptom #1 – Defensiveness
A lost soul is someone who is operating from their ego, not from their higher self. Since they are largely ego-driven, lost souls will often feel the need to defend their positions and assert that they are always right and know what is best. Even friendly advice that will genuinely help a lost soul is often immediately discarded with a “Yeah, but…” followed by a list of reasons why they believe the advice won’t work for them. The best reaction to this defensiveness is to accept it. Do not engage in an argument with a lost soul, even if you feel like your advice is exactly what they need.
Remember, lost souls are blocking their inner guidance, so they will very likely block beneficial advice from wherever it is coming from. The best thing you can do is lay your ideas on the table, but then back away from the discussion when they push against it.
Surprisingly, when I have done this in the past, I have noticed that many such individuals will later tell me “I remember when you told me such-and-such, that was really good advice!” The thing about lost souls is that they do not like to have their egos challenged. Therefore, if you do not debate against their rebuttals, they are far more likely to listen to your well-intended advice because they didn’t feel threatened by your approach.
Lost Soul Symptom #2 – Closed-mindedness
Many times lost souls will not be interested in accepting different people and different choices. Again, the higher self is all-loving and all-accepting. If someone is blocking the unconditional love from their higher self, they will be unable to radiate unconditional love to others. As a result, their “love” will only be given out to certain people who are behaving in a way that their ego approves of.
Because of this, you will often see lost souls manifest themselves into people who are intolerant of other religions and are bigoted, racist, homophobic or misogynistic.
If you feel as if something a lost soul tells you seems intolerant or abusive towards others, the best reaction to this behavior is to very kindly tell them that it bothers you when they say things like that and then drop it. Remember, arguing with a lost soul is always a waste of time. Speak your mind and then move on. If you do not challenge a lost soul’s ego, you will have the best shot at being heard.
Lost Soul Symptom #3 – Repeating the same mistakes, over and over again
It may take many of us a few tries to learn a lesson in life, but with a lost soul the pattern endlessly repeats itself. You may often observe a lost soul hopping from one abusive relationship to another, chronically being broke and out of work or even repeatedly being arrested and incarcerated. To be clear, none of us are perfect, and we’re all making mistakes in some way. However, a lost soul’s repeated mistakes are very painful and can cause them a lifetime of personal grief.
Realize, yet again, that a lost soul has severed ties with the love of the universe; therefore they do not understand how to make choices based on self-love. A lost soul has forgotten how to care for him or herself. These individuals are not making their life decisions because they are trying to hurt themselves or anyone else. Rather, they have become blind to the guidance of the universe. In fact, quite often they make poor choices because they are simply trying to distract themselves or numb the pain of the emptiness they feel from being spiritually disconnected.
Please do not judge them, do not chastise them and do not belittle their struggles. A helpful response is to accept them where they are and love them anyway. This doesn’t mean that you should allow them to pull you into their chaotic storms, but do let them know that you care about them and you want the very best for them. Loving them from afar still counts!
It can indeed be very frustrating to deal with a lost soul. The defensiveness, close-mindedness and continuous self-harm can be very unpleasant to witness and interact with. That being said, it’s good to remember that we are all on our own paths, and we each have the option of traveling through life in the way that we choose. Although we may have found a higher calling, the lost souls are choosing to experience life in a limited way and that’s ultimately their choice.
Not one of us would want to be forced to think or believe something against our will. If we want the freedom of choice for ourselves, we must allow the freedom of choice in others, even when we feel their choices are damaging and hurtful. We can speak our truths, but we shouldn’t feel the need to take on the job of changing the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of others.
At the end of the day, all we can really do for the lost souls of the world is to accept and love them as they are while being as happy, healthy and prosperous as we can be. If we can shine brightly enough, we just might provide enough light to help a lost soul find its way back home.
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About the Author
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which offers daily Law of Attraction advice. To learn more about Andrea or Raise Your Vibration Today, please follow her blog, Facebook page, Twitter (@Vibration1111) or Instagram (@andrea.11.11)

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
No soul is lost; the Universe and God know exactly where everyone is. We can look at a person’s life and proclaim him or her to be lost, but we have no idea whether the larger soul of that person planned just this life, for its own soul’s journey. The article criticizes ego, but it is egotistical beyond belief to think that we can look at anyone and proclaim them to be lost. Those that believe that our ego or sense of individual self are somehow bad get very defensive, sometimes aggressively so, if I disagree with them.
Those “egoless” people also make proclamations that love is all there is, and then very much don’t seem to love me when I say that I believe that there is more to the Universe than we understand, and one has even publicly berated me and told me that love is all there is, so I am not going to be allowed to soil his sacred space (a true story). Even in this story, the author is proclaiming his own spiritual views, without recognizing that others hold different views, so by his own standards, he, too, is a “lost soul.”
This article has an incredibly arrogant tone. Unlike.