Be an Aware Empath
Color Chameleon: Be an Aware Empath
Feeling vs Seeing Energy – How Empaths Perceive the Aura
An aura is a colored light that emanates from all things and is formed from energetic vibrations. It can be observed around people, animals, plants and even inanimate objects. It surrounds you in layers and is egg-shaped. The aura will give you information about the energy, emotions and health of the person you are focusing on. Auras are most commonly seen around the head and shoulders of people as well as around animals, and it radiates up a few inches. Auras of living beings are in a state of flux and motion, constantly changing according to internal and external stimuli, health and emotions.
Empaths are highly sensitive people that feel and connect with the energy of other people, places and animals. A developed empath can tune in and feel energy around all things. Consider that everything is energy, and the difference between one thing and of another is simply the frequency or the rate it’s vibrating. Yoda had it right! The force is everywhere and flows through everything. Empaths can train themselves into awareness in order to perceive and connect with this. Empaths feel energy; they connect with it and receive whatever information is contained within.
One caveat though, an empath can only translate that information according to their level of development. Just like a computer can only compute according to its operating software. If the software is Windows 5.1 and the information requires Windows 8.1, it’s not going to interpret that data. Each empath has a level of development and also strengths and weaknesses akin to personality qualities. Perhaps, your level of development is quite high yet does that mean you will see energy as an aura? Not necessarily, your strength may lie in the auditory realm (clairaudience), or perhaps it is in claircognizance (clear knowing). Each empath is a unique individual and will express their gifts differently. Can you train yourself to increase your perception and learn to see the aura? Absolutely, here is an exercise to assist you:
Exercise to Increase Your Perception
Situate the person in front of a very softly illuminated white background. A color background will change aura colors, so you need to start with white. Choose one spot to look at. The middle of the forehead is good. This is a location of the brow chakra also known as the third eye. Look at this spot for 30 to 60 seconds or longer. After 30 seconds, analyze the surroundings with your peripheral vision, while still looking at the same spot. Continuing the concentration is important. Resist temptation to look around. You should notice that the background nearby the person is brighter and has a different color than the background further away. This is your perception of the aura. The longer you concentrate, the better you will see it. It does take practice and patience to become accomplished, try it!
More about the Aura
There are seven auric bodies. The physical body encompasses body sensations, physical comfort, pleasure and health. On the other hand, the etheric body contains emotions and how you feel about yourself. The components of self-acceptance and self-love are found here. The vital body concerns the rational mind and having the ability to understand situations in a clear, linear and logical way. The astral body is how you relate to others. The lower mental body is the divine within you. Alignment with the divine within enables you to make an authentic commitment to speak and follow the truth. The higher mental body connects you to divine love and spiritual fulfillment. Finally, the spiritual body is divine mind and the opening to serenity. Your connection to divine mind also helps you to understand the greater patterns and a universal viewpoint. This is an eagle view versus being in mouse view, which is only seeing what’s right in front of you.
The colors and their meanings of the auras can help you assess your own energetic health and that of other individuals. Red relates to the root chakra and is powerful, energetic, sexual and passionate. If it is bright and clear, it can represent your healthy ego. If it is deep red, it represents a grounded state, which is based in what’s real and a strong will-power. However, a muddied red relates to anger and is considered negative. A pink color, which is bright and light relates to loving tenderness and can represent a sensitive and affectionate nature. If it is a dark and murky pink though, it indicates immaturity. Orange-red is a bold, confident and creative energy. Orange, in general, represents the emotions (second chakra) of vitality and good health. Orange-yellow indicates creative intelligence.
Yellow in the aura relates to the solar plexus chakra and is life force energy. It is the color of intelligence, manifestation and optimism. A light or pale yellow expresses emerging psychic and spiritual awareness and growth. Green relates to the heart chakra and is a healthy color of nature. This seen in the aura represents growth and balance and also indicates a love of people, animals and nature. This aura color is one of a teacher, healer or very social person. Yellow-green indicates a creative heart and a communicative energy. If it is dark or muddy forest green, it could represent the negative energy of jealousy and resentment.
Blue in the auric field relates to the throat chakra. A beautiful clear light blue or turquoise represents clarity in communications and even possible clairvoyant ability. If it is dark or muddy blue, then it expresses fear of self-expression or fear of facing or speaking the truth. Indigo is the color associated to the third eye chakra and represents intuition and deep sensitivity. Violet relates to the crown chakra though some also experience a bright white light here. It is associated with attunement with self and also the connection to the higher self, the divine. It is your visionary, idealistic and artistic expression of the divine. Learn more on auras at and
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About the Author
Lynn Zambrano advises and trains empaths all over the world to use their gifts to change their lives and the lives of others. You CAN feel better.
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Lynn Zambrano is a cosmic student continually learning. My learning thus far includes: life as an empath & intuitive, active listening learned through nursing, and courses taken in: LaHo Chi (energy healing modality), Healing Touch, Chakras and Angel Light Healing.