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Beliefs Drive Vision

Beliefs Drive Vision


Every experience creates a new perspective or adds to an old one. The beliefs that you have hold you back or drive you forward. When you decide to establish a new vision, it’s important to understand your current beliefs; creating from an old belief system is just a restatement of what you’ve probably been asking for years without getting it.

Which belief system are you creating from? When was the last time you asked yourself what you truly believe and whether or not it’s still valid?

The work starts with the Self. In astrology, the first house is that of the Self. In tarot, its images show you the journey of the Self and the way to deeper understanding. In The Book of Runes, Ralph Blum calls it “The Oracle of the Self.” In occult philosophy, The Great Work is the work of the Self, and its tenets and techniques are designed to go deep into self-discovery to strengthen one’s gifts and to address one’s weaknesses. The Work is one that results in freedom from anxiety, detachment from outcomes, trust in the Universe or natural process, deep self-awareness, and mindfulness of the present state of being.

It is a treacherous and fearsome journey to dive deep into the hidden crevices and shadowy places where you tuck away upsetting experiences, hurt feelings, and self-doubt. They can remain in the darkness for a lifetime, or you can step into your power and unveil them as lessons thereby taking away their hold on you. Clearing these pain points is essential to being an adept, to gaining self-confidence, and to being open to learning the next set of lessons. The work of the Self is never done. You can take it on as a great adventure or shy away from it.

Look at the belief system you follow. How have you been using it? What is your goal in its practice? Are your beliefs true to your nature or are you following the beliefs you grew up with that no longer serve your current identity? What personal insights have you gained as a result of its practice?

Denial of your own nature causes doubt, fear, and worry. It allows others to take you off center. By understanding your belief system and how it aligns with your core self, you understand your true nature and stand in it in every circumstance. I call this your Inner Magick. It fosters a closer connection to your inner/intuitive guidance, to creating your life the way you want it to be, and to cultivating healthy relationships with those who support your unique chosen path.

Use my formulary to unlock your Inner Magick:

Fear = worry + doubt + vulnerability minus courage

Will = mind control + self-discipline + fortitude

Wisdom = knowledge + experience + application

Self-mastery = will + clarity + focus + wisdom minus fear

Beliefs drive vision in that you can’t see past what you believe. If you believe you won’t be successful, then why bother forming a new vision? To build a framework of belief can keep you stuck in the same old patterns. It is possible to construct a completely new framework that suits who you are today. Clear out the old scaffolding that continues to support outmoded beliefs before building anew.

You may not believe it’s possible to take a fresh look at yourself or your life; or that it’s really hard to make such significant change. The answer is that it is possible, and that it will require work to do so. Looking at the same problems from the same perspective won’t get you anywhere, but with some research, consideration, and help from trusted loved ones or a professional, you can see things differently. Once that happens, a whole new set of possibilities awakens, and a new vision emerges.

See Also

It’s exhausting to see things the same way over and over and make no progress. Frustration becomes the prominent vibration, and then a giving-up response soon follows. I know that those who seek enlightenment find it; those who choose to stay mired in old ways of being persist in feeling distraught and restricted.

But as always, you must be ready to see things differently and go in search of new ways of seeing yourself and the world. If you continue the mantra that you don’t have the time nor the money to do so, then you are not ready. This is exactly the type of mindset that curtails motivation and destroys hope. It is the statement made by those who are comfortable in their discomfort. If you prefer to remain as you are, that is perfectly fine; then give up complaining that you want things to be different. Come to grips with the idea that you really don’t want change and give yourself permission for that to be okay.

If you are really ready to make the commitment to create a new vision for your life, then remove all mental and emotional barriers, eliminate perceived obstacles, and start with one simple question: What do I want my life to look like?

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About the Author

Diane Wing, M.A. is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, author of five books, and an experienced guide for those ready to see things differently. When it comes to getting unstuck and feeling great about life, her nine-word philosophy is: Let go. Be grateful. Stay open. See the magick. Find out more at

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