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Choose to Astral Travel

Choose to Astral Travel


by Sarah Delamere Hurding

astral-travel_OMTimesDo you really know what happens when you fall asleep? Have you ever had the sensation that you turned in for the night, but did not actually stay in your bed? Do you sometimes wake up tired with the feeling that you actually went somewhere during the night? Maybe you did!

Some of us experience the phenomenon of sleep walking where we literally get out of bed and head to the fridge in a deep sleep state. We may not remember this in the morning, but the fridge dessert tray tells another story.

Many of us have also experienced disturbing hypnagogic hallucinations where the bed appears to move or it feels as if the sheets are being pulled off the bed. Such phenomenon can be put down to spirit mischief. The reality is, more often than not, we are suffering from a sleepy delusion, which is more of a sensation than a real attack from the spirit world. This is not to say that visitations from the spirit realm do not happen as we sleep. They surely do, and there are frequent accounts of people being pinned down unable to breath.

There are all sorts of nighttime events that take some explaining, but the most mysterious night time excursion of all is the phenomenon of astral travel. Astral travel is when your spirit temporarily leaves your physical body during sleep. We, as human beings, live on the physical earth plane. During astral travel, our internal spirit enters into the spirit realm, and we become a light body, which is well able to transition into the spiritual realms.

Our life force light body is able to travel in sleep to places far and wide. We may cross the planet and possibly even visit other planets or other times. This sounds totally incredible and unbelievable, and in many ways, it is. We are spiritual beings capable of much more than we realize. Astral travel is something that spiritually advanced people practice consciously. And yes, it is something you can do too with enough practice and receptivity.

The astral planes are diverse and connected to the Afterlife, other life times and the underworlds. It is possible to access amazing information in these other dimensions. You may recall your past lives and rediscover skills from other times. In your astral state, you may be multilingual or super powerful. Many amazing things can happen, but of course, the ability to recall and remember is key.

The most common initial experience with astral travel is to hover above your physical body on the bed. Often the shock of looking down on yourself as you supposedly sleep can be enough of a jolt to bring you back down to Earth very quickly. Getting past this freaky sensation and the astral planes are yours for the taking.

It is also possible to astral travel in a meditative waking state as well. With practice, you can take yourself across the world to that exotic location without leaving your seat. Incredible realms of existence are accessible to us, and it is possible to feel and experience these places just as vividly as we do life in the physical realm.


Is it a lucid dream or astral travel?

Lucid dreaming is when you have control over what happens to you in a dream. You may awake in the night and choose to go back into the dream you were just having. You can change the events and can program a different outcome to the one that was occurring, which probably woke you up.

Astral travel in its initial stages can be similar to a lucid dream. Keep a dream diary in order to try to distinguish the different experiences you have. You may well travel to different places in your dreams and then be able to verify in waking how that place actually looks. If you saw it accurately in your dream, chances are you actually visited there on the astral plane. Test yourself in this way and have fun visiting places you have never been before. You can actually decide where you want to go when you become more adept at this. Once you master that, the world is your oyster, and it sure does save on the airfare!


Applications of Astral Travel

~ Can contact deceased loved ones and meet with them on the inner planes.

~ Need some information on a wayward lover? Visit them when apart at night and see!

~ Ask to meet with your spirit guides as you sleep and ask them what you need to know.

See Also

~ Explore other places, other planets and even other realms.

~ The further you can travel, the greater your ability to direct where you are going.

~ World Travel – As you fall asleep, simply think about where you would like to visit.

~ Ask to visit your past lives in order to gain deeper understanding of your issues in this life.

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About the Author

Sarah Delamere Hurding is Ireland’s famous Mystic, Seer, Healer, Life Coach, Writer, Media Personality and Consciousness Facilitator. Ashton Kutcher identified her on The Jimmy Kimmel Show as his psychic. Simon Cowell was stunned into silence when she predicted the full line up of his Irish Popstars. Louis Walsh, perhaps dangerously, called her “the woman who knows everything.”

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