Curses: Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble?

By Sarah Delamere Hurding
There is something fascinating about curses. Do they really exist and work, or are they just figments of paranoid imagination?
There is no doubt that if you google a list of curses you will stumble upon a whole range of undesirable behaviors and unsavory wishes. Are these really tangible? Can they have a detrimental impact on our lives? What, if anything, needs to be done about curses?
Obviously, curses are out there. They seem to be prevalent in dark primitive cultures, such as the native African or Indian. Voodoo has its roots in Haiti, and is used widely in Eastern Europe, Africa and South America. Curses are not to be messed with or taken lightly, and in some parts of the world, they are culturally acceptable.
The ancient Greeks and Romans were not just amazing philosophers. If they disliked someone, they would call on the gods to torment the individual with specific curses – pinning their requests to temple walls for all to see. In addition, curses have been found throughout folklore where magical traditions are rife with curses, and all over the world, there have always been a myriad of ways to wish harm on your enemies.
We can actually inherit curses from previous generations, and the energies can run rampant through particular families. Also, if you believe in past lives, there is much evidence to indicate that we may incarnate with a residue of these energies from other times, such as a vow of poverty, which some may consider a curse.
Personally speaking, I would be the first to say take all this with a pinch of salt and double check your paranoia levels first before you jump to conclusions. Having said that, it pays to be aware careful – particularly in situations where energies are loaded and potent. It is important to say that we feed negative energy and amplify it if we give it too much air time. It is best to play down these things and not sensationalize them. However, the impact of negative energy, curses and entity interference can be very troubling.
Curses in their various forms are real enough, and their manifestations can be serious. People experiencing this are rightly stressed about what to do as an unnatural amount of difficulty manifests in their lives. Those suffering under curses may well be coping with some very invasive and odd events, and yet, they also have to suffer the indignity of not being taken seriously.
Psychic and spiritual attack are very tangible phenomenon. The Catholic Church acknowledges demonic possession. Exorcism is one line in which their specially trained priests excel. If you do feel under threat, oppression or duress of a negative or evil nature, the church should be your first port of call. Get some Holy Water, boil it for at least five minutes and drink a little. If you find you have difficulty breathing or the thought of sipping this water makes you feel nauseous or violently ill, then it is very likely you do need some help.
Curses, if they are done effectively, can conjure up negative attachments, spiritual haunting and psychic oppression. It is my belief that even some mental illnesses have their roots in DNA inheritance, past life curses or specific ill wishes from this time. This is a serious matter, and it pays to know what you may or may not be dealing with.
Discernment and wisdom should be our key responses. If you feel you or a family member may be under some kind of attack from dark forces, do not feed this energy with stress, fear or worry. The dark energies feed off our fear. The best thing we can do is detach ourselves from the issue as much as possible. Park it in your mind and do not talk about it amongst yourselves until you can get the expert help you need. In addition to calling on the church, be aware that there are skilled healers who deal with such things as depression, possession, bad luck and oppression. Much can be done, so you do not need to feel alone or afraid if you feel something of this nature may be happening to you or a loved one.
Hexes, ill wishes, jinxes and curses are all evil intentions designed to bring someone down. Even hoping that some misadventure will befall someone or that something bad will happen in a general sense can take on the life of a curse. Be aware that our thoughts are powerful, and that we have the creative capacity to cause a whole lot of harm with our bad intentions.
With that being said, such thoughts, wishes and deeds have serious consequences for the perpetrator, so always be mindful. Some may not realize that the power of the curse reflects back three-fold and sometimes ten-fold on the person creating it. Even if you actively dislike someone, it pays to keep your thoughts and wishes as pure as possible. Bless them rather than curse them for your own good if nothing else.
Some say that a curse will work only if the target receiver is aware of it. Certainly this helps as the person’s fear feeds the energy, and the curse can thereby become a self-inflicted misery. However, this is not the full picture. An experienced spell caster can cause merry havoc on someone, and although they may not actively be aware of what has been done, they still can experience some pretty puzzling and unnatural consequences.
An effective curse however makes itself known pretty quickly, and measures can then be taken to avert the tide of destruction. There are specific ways to return this energy to sender. Plus, under universal law, the guilty party has already set themselves up for a payback unless they are phenomenally well protected.
Many of us acknowledge positive energy as a force we can recognize and measure, but not as many of us are willing to recognize that negative energy is also real and can be pretty destructive if we do not have the means to deal with it swiftly. Everything is energy. If we can focus energy and move it positively for good, then unfortunately the reverse is also true.
A curse is an energy attachment planted on someone to harm or hold them in place. As described, it has an impact on the caster. There are ways around this, and expert casters know how to ground the consequences of their actions elsewhere. Usually the consequence will befall the person asking or paying the caster. In the voodoo cultures, witch doctors and aboriginal cultures this would very much be the case.
What we need to understand is that we are powerful energetic beings and that none of us are exceptions to the rule ultimately. God sees all. Some may believe that cursing is a good way to get rid of our own negative emotions, but the boomerang effect and main law of magic is that whatever we put out there into the universe WILL return to us times three. An act of revenge or malevolence will always return to haunt the perpetrator.
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About the Author
Sarah Delamere Hurding is Ireland’s famous Mystic, Seer, Healer, Life Coach, Writer, Media Personality and Consciousness Facilitator. Ashton Kutcher identified her on The Jimmy Kimmel Show as his psychic. Simon Cowell was stunned into silence when she predicted the full line up of his Irish Popstars. Louis Walsh, perhaps dangerously, called her “the woman who knows everything.”

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