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Everyone Can Channel!

Everyone Can Channel!


By Carmen Vasquez

Yes, it’s true: Everyone can channel, which basically means getting tuned with higher beings and connected with the spiritual world to bring information and messages from them. Many people have been doing this without even realizing they are channeling with their Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters and other light beings, because people usually think that these beings show themselves in a 3D body or talking to them loudly. It could be the case, of course, but when people still have the veil and has not being awaken yet, is not common that they will see those higher beings with their physical eyes or listen to them with their physical ears at the beginning. Usually the spiritual world communicates with people through visions, thoughts, our inner voice, flashes of inspiration or a download of ideas.

So to start to channel, it really helps to be in a quite space and be able to relax; in that way you can get your left brain focused and at the same time your right brain, which is your creative side, will be open and ready to receive and listen to your intuition, the most common way they use to communicate with us.

Your desire to channel, make the connection with the spiritual world, and your intention to do this for the highest good is your bridge to them. But how you recognize when is your ego talking to you and when are your Angels, Ascended Masters or Guides? It’s easy to recognize their clear messages because all the light beings always speak with love and compassion, but at the same time they speak firmly. They always will empower you in a lovely way and will strengthen your independence. Never expect a negative message from them when you channel. Also, when a higher being’s presence is with you, it will always be respectful and it will try to approach you gently and calmly. Usually, you may feel a change in your body because of their higher frequency, so you may feel hot, cold, shaken, experience air pressure changes, or any other reaction that will make you feel the presence of a lovely energy; you may also feel something like a gentle touch or an aroma.

When you channel, lots of information could come to you as a telepathic communication, a vision that comes to you as a picture in your mind, many ideas or even a sudden answer to any question you may have.

As a human, you may have questions about your future, but do not expect lots of answers from your higher beings since they do not work as fortune tellers and they also know that we can create our own path according to our very own decisions; in the spiritual world they have the big picture of our lives, but they always remember we have a free will and we can change what they have for us at any moment. But this doesn’t mean you cannot ask for guidance about your next step or your projects for the upcoming years. You can ask them anything you want or desire as you channel, and also what the lesson is you have to learn from any particular situation. You can request information about energies, the world, personal or family situations and they will guide you as also will teach you how you can help or serve.

If at some point you start receiving negative messages, you may stop and ask Archangel Michael to cut any energy cord that was created since there could be another being trying to communicate and is not bringing light at that moment.

Always remember that when you connect with the higher realms, you will start carrying more light, so go and practice how to channel, as it will be an amazing exercise for you. You can also try taking a pen and a piece of paper and just write and write any idea or message that come to your mind; this is called “automatic writing” and is another way how your Angels and light beings will communicate with you.

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About the Author

Carmen Vasquez is the author of inspirational, motivational and Angelical books that always give positive messages to people. Carmen is a writer for OM Times Magazine and founder, along with her husband, of Journey Angels and My Way Of Life; both companies’ main purpose is to inspire people to believe and create from the positive the life they actually were born to live. She’s a mom of three beautiful Angels and is happily married; they live on the East Coast of the U.S.A.

Journey Angels, LLC

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