Express Your Greatness

by Bob Mangroo
All seeds contain a form to be expressed, and that form may be a plant, a flower or a tree. When we bury a seed in the ground, we have, at that moment, set it free – to be that which it was meant to be. A seed only comes to life when placed in the ground. If a seed sits on a table, it is useless. It remains dormant within its own casing. The moment it is buried all natural forces quickly begin to work on helping the seed reveal its innate qualities to the world.
Humans are also seeds of creation. We came into this world to express ourselves to the fullest that we know how. We were established with our unique greatness the moment we were born. Now, we have a personal duty to ourselves to create and express our greatest potentials.
Express Our Self
Everyone can take a look into their own hearts and see that there may be a singer ready to sing, a teacher eager to teach, a healer willing to heal, a leader wanting to lead or a woman excited to be a mom and so on. We are all here for various reasons, and all reasons are equally valid. Everyone has their place and purpose in life. All of our expressions occur in the appropriateness of creation.
As humans, we have extraordinary talents that are impatiently waiting to be expressed for this is the sign of our growth and joy. True living is when we have the courage to be ourselves without hesitation and to break out of our own shells of limitation.
Express Our Ideas
To do this, we must invest time to work on our ideas, do things that matter, be productive and hold visions for a good life. In whichever ways we can, we must fire up our feelings of joy, excitement and purpose. Whenever we are feeling good, we are in collaboration with the natural forces of life, and life will provide us with whatever we may need. Positive feelings and experiences are the building blocks to our wellness and success.
Negative feelings, such as frustration and anger, will choke off our supply of creativity. We will then end up either going the wrong way from our higher purpose, or we will have to work many times harder to get results, even if we are on the right track. Holding back on expressing our greater gifts weakens our talents and smothers our love for life. When you respect and believe in yourself, it becomes much easier to express your truest gifts, and you will have no need to worry about or compare yourself to others.
Express the Positive
Consider again a seed. If a person were to break open a seed, they will not see the properties of that seed. For example, they will not see the tomatoes, the tulips or the apples inside the seed. If we open a seed, we will see nothing, and yet, everything is contained in the so called nothingness of the seed. The invisible part of the seed is the un-manifested waiting to be manifested. All elements that are needed for manifestation are contained within the invisible realm.
When we think about ourselves, we may wrongly conclude that we are not special, and there is nothing much to us. Think again – the power and gifts within you are already contained in the invisible realm of self. Once movements are made toward self-expression, your talents will then be seen and experienced in the physical realm. Feelings of unimportance or inadequacy will vanish.
Our gifts and talents will not and cannot get activated without our doing so. If we refuse to activate our very own talents, they will remain dormant and invisible – never to be seen or heard by anyone. Our highest expression will not and cannot be expressed on its own. It waits for our intention and action to open the gates to get things moving. The moment we start moving toward our desires, such as a business idea, humanitarian mission, artistic expression or personal development etc., our consciousness immediately goes to work on our ideas. Just as the earth helps plants to grow, multiple dimensions of life helps us to grow as well. Our very own doubt and negativity will have us believe that we are alone, helpless and unimportant.
Express Our Highest Purpose
So, how then do we know if we are following our highest purpose? Simple, it feels good, it feels right and we are eager to do and learn more. Time seems to disappear whenever we are engaged in our greatest activity. Time seems to disappear because we have at such moments entered the eternal NOW moment of personal fulfillment and creation. The NOW experience of timelessness is our utmost position of power to create and manifest our desires.
Some may be thinking, “I don’t know what I want to do? I don’t know my passion?” If so, then try this. Say aloud, express to yourself, “If I could I would _____.” Then, let your mind finish the statement. Let your mind free flow the answers. This helps to get your consciousness probing to give you guidance and revelations. Another question to ask is, “If all my needs were met (my finances are in order, my health is good and my friends and family are fine and so on), then what would I want to do?” Let your mind contemplate this as well.
Express What Matters Most
To figure out what matters most to you will require some effort on your part. It will not show up on its own although it may have for some people, but most often it does not. You must spend honest time to think about, contemplate and experiment with different activities. This helps you to sort out the activities that you like versus the ones you don’t like. You must do the searching and finding on your own. This is one of those things where no one can tell you what your highest joy or purpose in life is.
Another method is to use a meditation technique; whereby, you sit back, close your eyes, and enter a simple meditative state. Once you enter your meditative state, imagine a ball of energy within you with that energy representing your higher purpose. Ask your higher self or spiritual guides to activate that energy. Once that energy gets activated through your pure intention to have it activated, then your mind will be open and ready to receive information and guidance. Your guidance may come in the form of ideas, feelings, dreams or intuition. Follow what feels right and true for you. Our highest purpose and joy is always an activity that is done in goodness, passion, joy and integrity for self and others.
Be willing to take the steps and follow your visions, ideas, heart and soul. This is a very powerful thing to do and a wonderful way to live. Be willing to express your greatest passion and natural talents. Stop being afraid to be yourself. As the great Buddha says, “Be like the moon; come out from behind the clouds! Shine.
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About the Author
Bob Mangroo is a personal potential coach and spiritual teacher. His training and coaching work includes hypnosis, meditation and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In addition, he has earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada.

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