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Gary Craig: The Father of EFT

Gary Craig: The Father of EFT

Gary Craig: Let me start with what it is. In simple terms, it’s an emotional version of acupuncture except we don’t use needles. We actually borrow from the Chinese meridian system, and instead of using needles for our processes, we stimulate the meridians in the body by tapping on them with our fingertips in certain prescribed easy to memorize points. And in doing so, we just have people focus on their emotional issues, whatever it is that seems to be in their way, and we start using the EFT process by tapping on the meridians. And properly done, somebody with such an emotional issue couldn’t get upset about it if they tried. It’s really stunning to watch.

And the result of that is that it has reduced the typical psychotherapy process down from weeks, months or years to minutes or hours. I mean, I’ve seen cases where advanced phobias, for example, are gone in three or four minutes. It’s an unusual case, but it certainly happens, you know?

Sylvia Henderson: So, when you did this, was there something going on in your life, because it–I know from the age of 13, you had this interest in personal improvement via psychology. You already had some kind of awareness of a link there. But then, how is it that you came to create EFT?

Gary Craig: Well, I was always interested in, you know, what I called personal performance. I call it, you know, and that you are what you think you are type thing. That always fascinated me. And around ’91, ’92, somewhere in there, I was introduced to a psychologist in Southern California, a Dr. Roger Callahan, who recently passed away. But, he was–he’s the first that I know of that was bringing to the public this idea of tapping on the meridians, you know, for, you know, personal improvement. And I took his course, but it–the course was like $10,000.  And then, I took his super, super advanced course, and that cost me $100,000, you know? That tells you how fascinated I was with it because I as a layman was able to do things that oftentimes skilled professionals with, you know, 20, 30 years of experience weren’t able to do.

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