Gary Craig: The Father of EFT
And so, I designed something that was a very, very easy version of this, something that anybody could learn to use, no complications at all, tap here, tap there, you know, say a few words, aim it at what you want and, gee, we got results, and anybody could do it. And that’s what EFT became. That’s how it showed up.
It has since, I must tell you, gotten more and more sophisticated as we’ve found ways to use it for deeper and deeper issues. We found ways to use this–I mean, we had people get out of wheelchairs with multiple sclerosis, for example. We’ve had cancer tumors subside and so on. We’ve had some just absolutely stunning stuff go on as a result of all of this.
Sylvia Henderson: So, simply by these feeling–you identify the feeling, and then you’re tapping, right? So–and then, you don’t feel it any–and so, somehow, this relates into a physical healing. What do you think is going on there when that happens?
Gary Craig: Well, most people intuitively know that if you’re carrying around, you know, emotional stuff, angers and guilts and griefs and stuff like that, that it shows up physically. I mean, just use a simple example – if you get really angry at something, you know, your blood pressure goes up, you know, veins stand out on your neck and, you know, your pulse rises, and your face gets red, and all kinds of physical things happen as a result of a–an emotional issue. But, if you carry it around for a long period of time, it shows up eventually as a serious disease. It’s a contributor to cancer, and multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis and on and on and on goes the list. And so, most people intuitively know that, and it’s no surprise that as we start relieving people emotional issues that the physical starts to subside, as well.
Sylvia Henderson: Well, this kind of coincides with what conventional medicine has said that stress is a silent killer. Because it changes the physiology in the body, right? I mean, it takes you out of sympathetic parasympathetic mode and puts you into fight or flight.

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