Gary Craig: The Father of EFT
Gary Craig: Well, yeah. And just to simplify what the medical profession says in my own terms, it’s like when you have a negative thought, hate, and anger, that kind of thing, it creates a series of negative chemistry in your body. That’s not a very sophisticated way to say it, but that’s the essence of it–whereas, if you’re having the opposite, loving thoughts, for example, it creates positive chemistry in your body. And of course, positive chemistry takes you towards health, negative chemistry takes you towards disease.
Sylvia Henderson: That makes sense. So then, when you’re working with someone, you know, you’re saying that–these are extreme cases, someone who the cancer tumors disappear or MS and they’re out of their wheelchair. This is just one session, or is this a series of sessions before you see something like that if you are to see something like that?
Gary Craig: I have had on infrequent occasions cancer tumors subside–that is, there’s an x-ray taken before, an x-ray taken after, and it was smaller after we did all this. But, I’m not advertising that as something.
Sylvia Henderson: So, what inspired you to offer it to the world the way you did via the internet because the internet was–it was growing. You know, Al Gore just invented it, of course, you know? But, we didn’t have Google. We didn’t have the massive search engines that we did back then, even though you could search and find things. You invested so much money to learn this. You said that the cost was really prohibitive for most people to be able to learn from Roger Callahan. I mean, $100,000 for an advanced training is pretty unheard of. And so, yet you gave this away pretty much for free.
Gary Craig: Well, I did, I did, actually. What I did was I wrote it up in like a–I think it was a 78 page document, which I, at that time, I called The EFT Manual. And I just put it on my website, and a few people were using it, and I put a few testimonials up there, and people would write in their success stories, and I’d put those up, etc. And the manual I put out was for free, just free. As it’s turned out, and–you know, and it’s been so prolifically spread, I sort of wish I had, in retrospect, had some standards about how it was taught. But, I didn’t know it was gonna be this big. So, as a result of it, while EFT has spread, it has also spread in a way where there’s just hundreds of variations on it throughout the internet. People call it EFT, or they call it tapping, and they write books and DVDs and do website. Interestingly enough, while all those processes work, none of them are the same, okay? They’re all a bit different, and it gets very confusing.

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