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Gary Craig: The Father of EFT

Gary Craig: The Father of EFT

I replaced that EFT Manual with an updated version that is on my website. It, too, is free. It’s called The EFT Tutorial, and it takes everyone from the very, very beginnings all the way up through expert as far as you want to go on all that, including video examples and all kinds of things in it. Just go to and access it for free.

Sylvia Henderson: And you were talking about this–a brand new version–it’s–of EFT, so to speak, that is where you see EFT really evolving from your point of view, and it’s called Optimal EFT. Is that correct? So, can you tell us a little bit about that and what is the difference between this optimal EFT versus the official gold standard EFT?

Gary Craig: Sure. The gold standard EFT is the form we’ve been talking about, and that is where you actually tap on meridians, etc. But, let’s back up a second and look at the big picture of EFT. What we’re doing with it is we are identifying an issue, and once we identify the issue, then we bring peace to the system, but we do it mechanically by tapping on those meridians, putting balancing energy down the meridians and straightening them out and so on, okay? Now, taking that big picture, you will–if you’re around this for very long, you’ll discover there’s more than one way to bring peace to the system. And one of those ways is to simply do it spiritually, if you will.

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being true to yourself

Close your eyes, get into a loving state, invite in what I’m calling the unseen therapist. It’s got lots of names – Spirit, Holy Spirit, Guidance, and God. There’s all kinds of different names for it, but it’s the healing power that’s outside of our awareness but nonetheless there, okay? And so, what I’ve been doing here more recently is I haven’t been tapping, actually. I have been–instead of tapping, I have–bringing peace–been–I’ve–I’m still identifying an issue. And then I will bring peace to the system via the means I just said, the very quiet, peaceful unseen therapist, if you will. And I am very pleased with the results. I get results that are at least as good as tapping on the meridians, and oftentimes, I get results that are deeper and broader and more efficient.

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