Gary Craig: The Father of EFT
Sylvia Henderson: Well, as an energy healer, I love that, and I couldn’t agree more. So–but, for people listening who are trying to wrap their minds around, well, what would that look like, you know, how does that work–I mean, I do understand that you do have some literature, some–you do have some information on your website. Is that correct?
Gary Craig: I have an introductory article called Optimal EFT: The Essential Intro. And it talks a–you know, it gives the theoretical basis for it. The rest of it I am now creating in a website, which I hope to have available by June 1. That’s my guess.
Sylvia Henderson: So, you know, Gary, I just cannot thank you enough for joining me here today. This has been a really phenomenal Interview. I so appreciate and value what you’ve done to help raise consciousness on the planet, and I can’t wait to tap into this new evolution of EFT that you have that’s coming to the forefront, Optimal EFT.
About the Author

Sylvia Henderson : Sylvia’s passion is helping others to step out of their stories of limitation and lack, release the pain of past traumas and loss, stop negative thinking and self-sabotage behaviors, drop fearful perceptions, break destructive habits, and teaching people to move forward into their life purpose. Sylvia has a weekly show at OMTimes Radio, every Sunday at 6:00PM Pacific Time and she can be found at O on Facebook

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