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Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2015

Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2015


April 4, 2015

5:05 AM PDT / 8:05 AM EDT / 12:05 PM GMT

14 Aries 24 / 14 Libra 24

The theme for this month’s Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a line from a Crosby, Stills & Nash song: “It’s been a long time coming. It’s going to be a long time gone.”

Nothing that happens now is out of the blue, but ties back to the recent past, the last three years and possibly 1996 as well. Nothing that ends, leaves or shape-shifts is going back to its previous form, either, although it may take till October for the new contours to settle in fully.

We’re at a profoundly intense, life-changing juncture. It’s a moment of clarity, of catalyzing and of crystalizing. The structures on which we’ve lived have collapsed. The new ones are in place, or at least assembling, even if we don’t have the vantage point to see them yet. For now, there are emotions to experience and express, information to process and, more importantly, act on, and long-simmering issues to address.

They’re big, all of them. Everything’s laden with baggage and history, and everywhere you look, people are hitting the breaking point.

This Full Moon is not merely an event, but a marker in a process, and arguably a process in itself. It feels larger than life because it’s a lunar eclipse, which takes the emotion, drama and culminating qualities of a Full Moon and ramps them up exponentially. This eclipse is even more super-sized than the norm, thanks to a cooperative link with Jupiter, the guy who ups the ante of any action he’s near. Jupiter’s more potent than his norm, too. He’s stationing to turn direct on the 8th, and his current lack of motion is intensifying the fire that will erupt next week in matters that have stalled since his retrograde began December 9.

He’s not the only one playing with this fire. Unpredictable Uranus is next to the Sun and reaching out to the Moon. He’s making emotions volatile and hot-headed while igniting recklessness, focus on the self, and a willingness to bolt. Torch bridges, even.

This Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is midway through the cycle that began in October last year, on the Aries/Libra relationship axis (Who Am I? versus Who Are You/Who Are We?). Any eclipse brings endings, consistent with the light being shut out, and plays out over months, rather than a single moon cycle. A lunar eclipse has the added quality of revelation, shedding light on information, or birthing realizations that change the game forever. We can expect an epidemic of impassioned emotions and revelations involving relationship dynamics and leading to change of chapter-ending proportions.

Yes, more change is in store, though the current round is a continuation of what’s already in progress, instead of an outbreak of entirely new factors. This Full Moon is a direct follow-up to March’s smackdown between cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto, the last of seven clashes that have radically restructured our foundations over the past three years. Whatever is happening now, whatever is escalating and irritating and inflaming you, is demanding clean-up work on that remodeling process.

The Moon is locking into the change agents’ fight and creating the challenging configuration of a T-square. The seesaw between your need to feel connected and the drive for self-sufficiency is escalating the imperative to restructure. The pressure is coaxing out all manner of beasties from our psyches, too. Primal terrors and utterly irrational emotions and fears are coming up for air, some you may be surprised — or disturbed — to discover are still around. Calming, dealing with or banishing them is part of the clean-up.

Relationships and agreements are the playing field, the target or the catalyst for the clean-up. They may involve money; they may involve friendships; they may involve romance or what you had assumed was a committed relationship. Dramas flaring now may have to do with ground rules, worth (yours, probably) or values.

Whatever form they are currently taking, you can put them in context by tracking them to recent history. The underlying issues or themes reared their head unmistakably at the end of December 2013, when action lord Mars crossed the Moon’s current location and triggered the two change agents. Your attitude shifted from resistance (or incredulity) to acceptance by last September, when the Sun and Venus occupied that degree. They encouraged not merely embracing that situations or dynamics were not going back to the old ways, but also recognizing how to work the new developments to your benefit.

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February 2020 Astrology Forecast OMTimes

For more detective work, think back April 1996, the last time an eclipse occurred at this degree. There’s a parallel, but with a difference: This time around, you have been through the core-level destabilizing and restructuring of the past three years. (Longer if you have a major placement early in a cardinal sign). You are not the same person, at all.

Your motivations and decisions are vastly different now. Much has already cleared out, especially inside of you. Friendships have morphed; values, desires, goals and priorities have clarified; self-worth has received a workover and, likely, hit new levels and firm non-negotiables.

Keep all of this in your mind and in your heart as this eclipse peaks. Line them up against the plot twists, which are coming so suddenly you could get whiplash. You’ll know which lead to your future and which are amount to a goodbye.

Learn more in Kathy’s astro-overview for 2015, which charts where the turmoil of the spring.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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