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Lunar Eclipse Update

Lunar Eclipse Update


By Rick DiClemente

With a powerful Lunar Eclipse forming on Saturday morning at 8:05, appearing at 14 Libra 24′, we will culminate once again great pressure on the still-in-tact Uranus square to Pluto. Note how the Sun and Moon fall along almost the exact axis, i.e., Sun 14, Uranus 16, Moon 14 and Pluto at 15. This is very tight and should be quite explosive indeed.

This type of eclipse is totally impossible to translate or predict events, imho, but I’ll take a stab at a few parts of it. Granted, everybody is noticing huge changes abounding in just about every country on earth, the earth itself and certainly, the ole US of A. I’m not going to go there. I’ve written plenty about that already.

When it comes to personal experience after having watched eclipses closely for a very long time, this is what I have found is common:

1) Many times, a “negative, stressful” experience happens around the time of the eclipse which is well in effect 10 days before and 5 days after. “Usually”, this is rapidly followed by a very good time where we see the benefits of the said stressors.

2) Awareness becomes very lucid in affected areas.  One cannot ignore the fact that this eclipse is in very center of Libra (right where the USA’s Saturn is) and therefore should have lots to do with relationships. Both personal and international.

Certainly, the prominent actor on this stage is Pluto halfway now through its 15-year trip through Capricorn. If we put Pluto on the beginning of the first house, in order to “examine” it, it would turn Uranus and the Sun in Aries to the 4th house; the emotional house. This would also put the Eclipsing Moon in Libra on the top of the chart, i.e., the public world.

When we add all of this up, I believe we will be addressing questions such as: “Do I want to continue this relationship?” “If I am to be ME in this relationship, am I able to be? Do some things have to change?” “Have I found myself in a codependent relationship where I just can’t “be myself”?” “I want EMOTIONAL sustenance from this relationship; do I have it? What do I have to do to get it?”

Questions will abound and corresponding insights will come in regards to the Sun/Uranus in Aries, i.e., the ability to “do my thing.” This is NOT an indicator that you will or won’t stay with your partner. But, it certainly is a time for you to focus on the REAL nature of it. Are you relating? Do you just have a “popcorn” relationship? That is, someone to share popcorn with while comfortably watching movies on your couch. With all of this Arian energy, believe me, it’s well time to put everything out on the table and say what has to be said.

That’s just how the Ram moves.

For many of the clients I have dialogued with lately, some have had to ask very hard questions to themselves: “Has the purpose of this relationship run its course?” “Is this time to redouble my efforts and renew my vows?”

See Also
The Zodiac Signs of Animals

I think you see my point. If _I_ am to be myself, it is time _I_ revisit all of my relationships with everyone so that they are honest and forthcoming. The eclipse should bring you the necessary insights.

With it, I hope that you find that your new clarity will serve you well.

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