Mallika Chopra: Living with Intent
Sylvia Henderson: Hmm. You know, and it’s interesting that you say authentic and authentic life, because it seems like that’s the current buzzword, that people are really searching now for authenticity. So, can you share the underlining–the underlying meaning of the word intent that you used in the title of your book? Because at first glance some people might think that, you know, intention versus intent would be a better choice of words, but you used intent for a very specific reason.
Mallika Chopra: Yeah. You know, for me intent is active, ’cause I think it’s very important that we actively live with intent. And intent to me represents–living with intent represents to me living a life in which, you know, we feel healthy, we’re happy, we’re connected, but also that we feel a sense of purpose and meaning and significance every day.
And, you know, I thought–I’ve spent years–I grew up, actually, with the concept of intent. My father really taught my brother and I to think about our deepest desires and articulate them when we were young.
And so, I thought about this for many years and I came up, which we can talk about later, really a path to intent using the acronym of the letters I-N-T-E-N-T, and really thinking about all of the practices and techniques we can incorporate in our life to live more meaningful, purpose, present, moment, mindful awareness.
Sylvia Henderson: And that’s one of the other things I really enjoy and love about your book, is that these strategies you developed, not only are they brilliant strategies and practical strategies that anyone can implement within their lives, but they’re–the way it’s evolved, it’s–there’s a great hierarchy to it. It’s like if you don’t take care of the first one, the second one may be a challenge. And so, it’s very sequential in that way. Was that intentional also?
Mallika Chopra: You know, I don’t know if it was intentional. I think what happened is I really went back to some of the things that I was taught when I was a kid.
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