Mediumship’s Paranormal Pioneers

The Mediumship Connection to its Paranormal Pioneering Pioneers
By Airanna Blake
“Of mediumship there are many grades, one of the simplest being the capacity to receive an impression or automatic writing, under peaceful conditions, in an ordinary state; but the whole subject is too large to be treated here.” – Oliver Joseph Lodge
There are many different types of mediumship. They are normally classified as mental mediumship and physical mediumship. Who are some paranormal pioneers?
Mental Mediumship
As the name suggests, the connection between the spirit and the vessel begins in the mind. These types of mediums normally include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, also trance medium. Also involves communicating through the use of telepathic messages. This communication normally takes place via spirit, guide, angel, or religious icon. They deliver messages the medium finds the meaning to this message, and then carries it forward to the person the message is intended for; or also known as the sitter.
Some examples of mental mediums are James Van Prague, John Holland, and Theresa Caputo. Mental Mediumship has become the norm today in the media.
“Media today is the coexistence and laying on of different mediums. We consider this a perfect marriage of mediums.” – Amy Fuller
Physical Mediumship
Spirit uses the medium energy to send messages. They can physically manifest in things such as noises, voices, flickering lights, objects being moved, ectoplasm exuding from the body, music, full-bodied apparitions. These physical phenomena are visible to on-lookers. This type of medium usually does very well working with paranormal investigations.
One example of a Physical Medium would be Leslie Flint, also known as the great voice box medium. She was quite aware of the fact when she was producing spirit voices, she had the ability to manifest several voices at the same time. Another example are the Fox sisters: Katie, Margaret, and Leah, who came from New York State with their abilities to contact the dead, during the rise of Spiritualism in the 19th century. Another example would be the great Sybil Leek.
“All human being have magic in them. The secret is how to use this magic, and astrology is a vital tool for doing just that.” –Sybil Leek
She was born in England to a well-to-do family, she came into fame during the 1950’s. She had strong value in her beliefs and hold strongly to them. She would often quarrel with others on their beliefs. But she was also one of the first to throw out a curse word, teaching us not to take life to seriously. She also helped and had an effect upon the neo pagan witchcraft – the Wicca religion.
Mediumship is a wonderful and sweet gift from the universe/God to be able to heal the world. Medium deliver messages that come from the other side. It is a gift to watch as you deliver a message to someone who has so longed to hear from a passed loved one, and know that their energies still continue and live on; that truly death is just the new birth into something new and greater. It is almost more than our human minds can conceive of, to watch one’s mind that is filled with longing and darkness. In turn, you can share a simple message and be able to heal that pain, and turn darkness into light. By being able to reach out with your own energy, mediums allow the energy to use their own to heal themselves and the one that they are connecting with.
It is selfless love that I can be open and allow my life to exist as a tool for the universe to raise awareness and spread love in this way. When I accepted my gift from God/the universe, I made the agreement with this energy that I only wished to know the things that would lead me to the healing of all things; nothing more, nothing less.
What was needed to know to use my gifts, was a willingness to be what I was designed to be. A medium does not need to know every detail in how this works; only that one’s mind and body is the best tool to be able to do so. To me, my gift is about inspiring and enlightening others the best way possible.
As many people who are like me can attest, we have gone through great pains in this life to take away and dissolve walls of ego. That ego may, in some ways, hold back the truth and, in turn, we gain compassion and humility to gain a greater sense of reasoning. To bring us closer to spirit, and grateful for the ability that we have been given to be able to speak with them.
This can be the same with many people who have had near-death experiences, these events we go through to bring us closer to spirit. The universe delivers messages this way to confirm that, yes there is more to life than what is seen. We must choose to have enough faith in these things and know that they are miracles to bring this world peace and love. It is important for us to remember that that most passed loved ones feel no desire to return to this world. Because they are busy being filled with the pleasant feelings that they are experiencing in the hereafter.
Only people free from their earthly body, which is completely free of such things as passions, desires, and every selfish tendency, are allowed to enter into the heavenly world. That may sound very boring but in all reality one should make no mistake. The dead are surrounded by an incomparable wealth of everything we could ever dream of here in this world. Divine love is the driving force behind everything, the dead strive forward to help us with the goals of the entire universe.
Consciousness is the matter of the highest frequency from another dimension. If this is the case, including in the afterlife. This is a new perspective that allows the human body and death to be viewed in in different ways. Religions have always known this view point, as has been shown. All that remains is for us to move forward with faith.
“Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.” – Plato
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About the Author
Airanna Blake is a researcher in the paranormal field and events manager for the global organization, Hunt with Holzer, dedicated to research of modern pioneering forefather, Professor Dr. Hans Holzer. A non-profit museum is underway to preserve his work in paranormal history. Arianna can be found on Facebook, and her intuitive photography can be found at Ms. Phoenix Photography.

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