Overcoming the Tyranny of Negativity

Like weeds flourishing in our garden, our negative emotions grow wildly in the mind. At times this, painful baggage is difficult to carry while attending to our daily chores and busy schedules. If we watch our mind at work, we see that it is easily contaminated with a virus of negativity. When we hear, read, or see good things, words of wisdom, and inspirational thoughts, they seem to only impact us for a moment and then take a back seat, leaving the front seat to those thoughts which do more harm to us than good.
Many people are sucked into a negative spiral before they become aware of it. This is a global phenomenon, where fear and anxiety about the unseen future corrode human life, much like rust that eats away at metal. We feel caught in the tyranny of negativity! It is a painful state of mind; yet people still grope in the darkness, trying to find a solution in the external world.
Identifying Negativity Patterns
All negative patterns of thinking are the result of living life unconsciously. When we live our life following the dictates of our untrained mind, the lower mind takes over and becomes treacherous. Such a mind functions on the plane of the ego, false identification with the body, and fleeting objectives.
Whenever we repeat the same thought in our mind, it gradually takes root. The thought becomes an expanding pattern that carries us along as it continues to deepen its established groove. Thoughts that are anchored in our being, in the pristine silence of the divine presence within us, in the love of God, will gradually create their own pattern of positive power. Good and mindful thoughts attract positive, joyful, and pleasant situations to our life, following the universal law of thinking which is, “As we think so we become.”
Life memories show us that when we stumbled on difficult situations and circumstances, and did not react in a negative way but persevered with a very positive attitude, something very profound happened. We came to realize that God never forsakes us, but lifts us up as we cross the difficult patch. These were also the moments of true learning, for when we are stuck, we learn. The positive state of mind is the light of our soul. We feel deeply anchored to the Divine within and respond to the higher mind, which allows us to grow in consciousness.
If we were primarily negative and depressed, at some point, we were probably confronted with threatening situations. Perhaps we were abused as a child or grew up with deep-seated fears and insecurities. We did not know that our thoughts were not just thoughts, but very powerful vibrations which, if not monitored, could lead to deep patterns of negativity.
Effects of Negativity
Negative or positive, all thoughts are vibrations. If we go to a pool and throw a small stone, observe what happens. As the stone touches the water, we see a succession of ripples that become bigger. Whenever we throw a stone of thought into the pool of the mind, it creates its own circular ripples, and these spread to the farthest edges of infinity. Each and every thought of our mind is a powerful vibration. When we think positively, the vibration is first created in our own mind. It blesses us first, and then it spreads, reaching out to that person and bathing him or her with positive vibrations of love and light that, in turn, affect others.
When we think badly about someone, we send out negative vibrations that first damage our own physical, mental, emotional, spiritual body. These negative vibrations spill over into the universe, reaching out to deliver poison to hurt, damage, or destroy. It does not stop there. Those same negative vibrations continue in their movement outward. The essence touches other lives and remains in the ether. Susceptible people are then influenced by these energies when they encounter with them. This is the worst pollution of all.
We may feel haunted by a painful past, always worried about the future. In time, we became a victim of our own mind and the habitually negative and fearful thoughts and emotions. Unconsciously, we attract people and situations that confirm our belief that the world is a dangerous place, that no one was worthy of our trust, and that we were powerless. As these patterns deepened, we attracted difficult and traumatic situations that continued to make our life miserable.
Are There Benefits to Negativity?
The heartening reality is that the life process is designed to move us from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality. The world may be full of darkness, but it is also permeated with light. As children we were vulnerable, subject to circumstances. As adults, we can choose where to put our focus and attention. We can grow beyond any circumstance. Our only hope of liberation from the tyranny of negativity, which is a manifestation of untruth and darkness, is to patiently establish our mind in the deeper truths of our existence. How do we do this?
We must train and retrain our awareness to focus on the infinite, positive resources of the larger life we all have been given. Whatever traumas we may have experienced in the past, whatever habitual thinking we may have developed, this is an assurance of our one path to joy and peace of mind. No one else can train our mind. We can only begin with the mind and the thoughts we have, so we need to be kind, loving, and compassionate with our self. We need to fill our mind with positive vibrations whenever possible. We have to become extraordinarily conscious not to submit or surrender to the negative pulls of the lower mind. If we think negative thoughts about our self or anybody, we damage ourselves and we damage many others.
With regular meditation practice, our mind becomes clarified and awareness dawns. We can then identify how our negative thoughts suck our energies and take us on a downward spiral. The most profound way to bring the mind back to its pristine state is to be patient and loving to our own mind. Instead of falling into self-criticism, we can move in the simple path of acceptance of the moment and look within to feel the intention of the Higher Intelligence. Every situation comes to our life as a gift of some higher reality. This higher reality can be found, provided the mind is not tense and confused, but is instead luminous with a meditative, calm attitude. The whole purpose of negative thoughts and attacks are not to put us behind the bars of limited mind, but to bring us into the world of light and love, and open the windows of the heart to assimilate divine grace, and the teachings and wisdom that come with it.
The infinitely compassionate Lord does not intend to allow us to languish in pain forever, but wants to take us through diverse experiences of life, so that we mature and grow and finally take the big leap beyond all suffering into the world of true freedom, Nirvana.
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About the Author
Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India): Globally acclaimed motivational and inspirational teacher, (specializing in mindfulness, meditation and stress reduction), author, and peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012). Visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985. Programs serve thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in slums of Kolkata, India and remote villages of West Bengal.

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India): Globally acclaimed motivational teacher (mindfulness meditation, stress reduction) author, peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012) Visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. (Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015)