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The Process of a Medium

The Process of a Medium


by Shelly Wilson

A Medium and Mediumship

A medium is an individual who has the ability to communicate with the Spirit realm using psychic abilities and is a channel for Spirit. There are two types of mediumship: physical and mental. Physical mediumship involves something physical happening that can be seen or heard by others, such as rapping, ectoplasm and transfiguration. This evidence requires more energy from Spirit to produce. Mental mediumship involves relaying the information that you receive through sight, taste, smell, hearing and feeling. The differences between the two types are just as their names imply. Physical involves producing evidence that someone else can see; therefore, it is somewhat tangible or is at least witnessed by another. Mental relies solely on communicating the information that is received. Therefore, mediumship is the term used to describe a medium’s work.

Mediumship involves receiving the information through the reader’s five senses and then conveying it to the client, also known as a sitter, so that they can understand it. It is all about perception. The reader, the medium, receives and perceives the information and then conveys it to the client. The client then perceives what is being conveyed.


How a Medium ‘Sees’

The information comes through as thoughts, feelings, words, bodily sensations, impressions and memories. The images received by the medium may be literal or may be symbolic. I liken it to flashcards that children worked with to learn the alphabet. For example, I may see a merry-go-round. This message may mean the individual is conveying the name Mary or it may mean life seems to be going in circles. Learning to give what comes through allows the recipient to interpret the meaning of the message for themselves. It is important to note that the medium’s personality, mannerisms and style as well as their individual frame of reference (what is stored in their memory bank/brain) will influence their delivery of mediumship.

When describing mediumship to someone who has not experienced it before, I begin by telling them that the Spirit realm, also known as the Other Side, is literally right here all around us and illustrate this by extending my arm upwards at an angle. Our loved ones no longer have a physical body and are vibrating at a higher frequency than the dense earth plane. As we know scientifically, energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed.


A Medium Perceives Spirit

Furthermore, many people are curious about the transition process, and this is a description of how a medium perceives spirit. When it is time to transition from the earthly realm to the Afterlife or Spirit realm, the individual’s aura becomes weak, dull and colorless. In turn, this causes the silver cord to become weak and ultimately break, resulting in death of the physical body. The silver cord connects our physical body to our soul and is literally our lifeline. When the physical body dies, our soul is transported to the Afterlife by the etheric aura. Astral traveling is possible because we are still attached to our physical body via our silver cord.

After leaving the body, the soul moves toward the veil and then crosses over into the white Light. For various reasons, some souls may choose not to cross over immediately and remain in the vortex, which is the area between the earth plane and the Afterlife. Those who cross over are met by their loved ones in Spirit. Feelings of peace, love and serenity wash over them as they make this transition and witness their life review.


Reading by a Medium

A mediumship reading offers an individual the opportunity to connect with loved ones in Spirit as well as receive guidance from their angels and guides. There is no guarantee that the loved one they wish to connect with will come through. Many times the individual we need to hear from is not always the one we want to hear from. With that being said, I do believe Spirit recognizes our highest need and assists the reader in providing that.

Prior to beginning a session, or a reading by a medium, whether it is an individual reading or a group reading, explaining how the reader receives the messages and the manner in which they do so is beneficial. Being conscious of the client’s culture and religious beliefs is essential as well. Many religions do not believe in the possibility of Afterlife communication, and this may evoke fear within the client even though they want to connect with their loved ones. Practicing heart-centered compassion for the individual and their beliefs will assist with the communication.


A Medium’s Psychic Abilities

Utilizing a medium’s psychic abilities of claircognizance, clairsentience, clairvoyance and clairaudience, the reader conveys the messages to the sitter. For clarification, claircognizance, also known as clear knowing, is the ability to know things without having to be told. Clairsentience, also known as clear feeling, is the ability to tune into another person’s emotional or physical sensations. Clairvoyance, also known as clear seeing, is the ability to see Spirit and images or visions within the mind’s eye or externally. Clairaudience, also known as clear hearing, is the ability to hear voices and other noises, either as an external sound or within a person’s mind. Spirit communication tends to be very subtle, which is why it is necessary to have heightened awareness in order to detect this communication.


Afterlife Connecting the Medium

Afterlife communication provides evidence of the continuation of life. During a session, many people ask these questions seeking answers about their loved ones and their transition to the other side or Afterlife:

~ Where are my loved ones?

~ What are my loved ones doing?

See Also

~ Can my loved ones see me?

~ Are my loved ones with me?

~ Can my loved ones hear me when I speak to them?

The evolution of mediumship is apparent through my own work. Some mediums rely on the C.E.R.T. technique to identify their communicator, provide evidence, establish the reason they are coming through and then tie up the session by restating the information. Previously, it was important to bring through as much evidence as possible to make sure the client was satisfied that it was indeed their loved one, including physical description, cause of death, pertinent dates, etc. Now, the evolution of mediumship is shifting to providing enough evidence and then focus primarily on bringing through the message. Why did they come through? What do they want us to know? What are they doing now? What do they see us doing?

Although you may be guided to have a session with a medium, please know that our loved ones in Spirit are actively communicating with us in various ways as well. It’s up to each one of us to pay attention to the subtle and sometimes quite apparent signs that they are with us.

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About the Author

Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Growth Coach, Shelly Wilson, would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. She is the author of 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within, and Journey into Consciousness. In addition, Shelly is a featured columnist and the Metaphysics Editor for OMTimes Magazine.

View Comment (1)
  • I finally got to sit and read this article! It is so interesting and helps me relate and understand what I have been going through, hearing and feeling from spirits who have pasted over. It’s a true blessing and honor when it happens. Thanx Shelly!

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