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5 Reasons to Include Crystals in Meditation

5 Reasons to Include Crystals in Meditation

Crystals to Include with Meditation

by Sherri Cortland, ND

There are a multitude of reasons to include crystals and stones in our meditation practice. All of which are directly related to mingling their energy and vibrations with our own. We’re all drawn or attracted to different crystals at different times in our lives, and that’s because their specific energies are what we need at the moment to help us heal, raise our vibrations and move forward.

Here are five great reasons to incorporate crystals and stones into our daily meditation practice:


Five Reasons to include Crystals in your Meditation Practice

Crystals in Meditation #1 – Deepen our meditation practice and enhance visualization

Crystals in Meditation #2 – Assist communication with our Higher Self, guides, and angels

Crystals in Meditation #3 – Balance mind, body and spirit

Crystals in Meditation #4 – Heal our body, mind and soul

Crystals in Meditation #5 – Calm the mind and sooth the spirit


The benefits are huge, and as we begin to incorporate crystals and stones into our meditation practice, we can also hold a particular crystal or stone or a combination of crystals and stones in our hand(s) in order to facilitate communication with Spirit, promote healing or balance one or more of our chakras.

We can focus our attention directly on one particular crystal or stone in order to tune into its individual energy frequency as well as receive assistance with healing, balancing, communication and visualization. Of course, we can wear crystal and stone jewelry to drink in and absorb their wonderful energies during meditation and all day long.

How do we know which crystal or stone to meditate with? We trust that little voice inside of us; we listen to our gut, and we reach for the crystals and stones that call out to us. Expect the crystals and stones that are right for you to find their way into your hands. Choosing crystals and stones isn’t rocket-science; it is part of our personal journey. Simply speaking, we can rely on our feelings and gut reactions when we first see or pick up a crystal/stone. You’ll develop a feel for choosing crystals/stones.

To help you get started, here’s the process that my first psychic development teacher, Cyndi, taught me more than three decades ago:

~ Pick up a crystal or stone that attracts you

~ Place it in your left hand (or non-dominant hand/receiver hand)

~ Loosely close your fingers around it in a relaxed fist

~ Extend your arm out in front of you

~ Tune into, listen to, and feel the crystal/stone in your hand

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You can’t go wrong choosing crystals and stones that vibrate in your hand as well as those that make you feel happy, peaceful and positive. Since very often it’s the crystal doing the picking, you may feel a great sense of camaraderie when you first pick up a particular crystal/stone.

Crystals are light and are energy. Like human beings, each one is an individual and deserves to be treated with respect. When you’re considering a crystal/stone, and holding it in your left hand, open your heart and mind – this will allow communication to flow between the two of you. Also, as crystal healer Katrina Raphael says, “Drop any pre-conceived notions, expectations or fears….allow the inner mind to receive subtle impressions.”

If you have a specific goal, such has healing a broken heart; it helps to use crystals that are suited for that specific purpose. For heart-related work, pink quartz and green aventurine are excellent choices because they work well in helping us open our hearts, heal them and make them stronger. For challenges involving communication, working with blue stones known to facilitate communication, is a make-sense place to start. Crystals and stones have their own individual properties. As such, there are crystals and stones available to help us with whatever our needs might be. Finding which ones will work best for you requires a little bit of research. When it comes to choosing from a variety of crystals, let your gut be your guide.

Whatever crystals and stones you find yourself drawn to, remember that each will affect your vibrational energy in a positive way. As we work with them, they raise our vibrational frequency, which is another great reason to meditate with them! One last piece of advice – don’t get caught up wondering if you’re making the right choice and if you’re picking the right crystal. You’ll know when a crystal/stone is right for you. Listen to your gut (aka your Higher Self), and you will always make the correct choice.

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About the Author

Author Sherri Cortland has been channeling her guides through automatic writing for nearly three decades. Her books, published by Ozark Mountain Publishing, include Windows of Opportunity, Raising Our Vibrations for the New Age, Spiritual Toolbox, and Guide Group Fridays.

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