8 Things You Forgot When You Were Born

It can be hard to remember what you forgot. Or you can just read it below.
8 Things You Forgot When You Were Born: What My Bad-Boy Brother Helped Me Remember
When my brother Billy woke me a few weeks after his death and told me he wanted to write a book with me from the other side, I thought I was dreaming. How could my bad-boy brother, who had problems with addiction all his life, be sharing cosmic secrets from another dimension? But as time passed, my disbelief turned to amazement.
One of the first things Billy said was, “All of a sudden I know a bunch of things I didn’t know when I was alive. When you’re born, when you pop out, that big pop gives you a kind of amnesia. One of the main things we’re doing when we’re alive is trying to remember the things we forgot.”
Here are “a bunch” of those things you forgot.
8 Things You Forgot When You Were Born
Things You Forgot #1 – You Are A Soul Whose Magnificence Is Far Beyond Your Earthly Comprehension.
Society teaches limitation. And living squeezed into a human body and the earth experience can be painful at times. There’s a lot of freedom you have as a soul that you don’t have when you are incarnated. Earth, the conditions there, traps you in limitation. But who you really transcend the conditions that earth has to offer. The true you has no limitation, only potential.
Things You Forgot #2 – You Carry The Light Of The Divine Within You.
This Light propels your soul into your body when you’re in the womb. It then becomes the invisible force that gives you life. And when the time comes, at the time of your so-called death, that same light launches your soul out of your body and back to the Divine Source from which it came. When life is joyous the light will be there. When life is difficult, the light will also be there.
Things You Forgot #3 – Earth Is A Stopover.
The benevolent Source from which you have come and to which you will return lies beyond this temporary world. After your journey, on earth, you will return to a land that feels more familiar, more like home. To stay free inside the game of life, look for the Source inside yourself, beyond the roles and the drama. Then, you can dance the dance of the game of life with a little more rhythm, a little more abandon, a little more shaking-those-hips.
Things You Forgot #4 – You Chose Your Birth, Your Parents, And The Circumstances Of Your Life.
Life is full of drama, and the family drama is the first one, the primary one, and it has a lot of oomph. Like the other circumstances of your life, you signed up to do this dance before you were born. But why would a soul forget its high origins, clothe itself in a body, and leave the Higher Worlds for the more difficult earth? Because…
Things You Forgot #5 – Your Soul Loves Experience And Doesn’t Fear Suffering Since It Knows It Can Never Be Injured.
That doesn’t mean that when you’re in a human body it isn’t natural to prefer pleasure over pain. That’s part of the plan. When the tough times come, it’s good to remember you’re meant to engage in all kinds of things on earth, things that may not make sense from a human point of view. So take a moment before you judge yourself or your circumstances too harshly. Why you chose to walk a particular path on earth may be beyond human understanding and until you’ve left the earth you’ll never fully understand all the whys and wherefores.
Things You Forgot #6 – Life On Earth Cannot Exist Without The Shadow Element.
As the Earth moves around the Sun, there’s nothing but shadow for a good part of the time. You cannot have the sea without storms, the earth without quakes, the wind without tornados. On earth, when the light rises the darkness comes with it. Where there is light, there is shadow. And sometimes, sometimes darkness is okay too. Don’t overlook the riches contained in the darkness. Life’s very temporary, so don’t let time just pass. Let the moments fill you, the ones you judge to be good as well as bad.
Things You Forgot #7 – You Don’t Have To Earn The Right To Be Loved.
If there’s one thing worth doing on earth, it’s discovering self-love. It’s a matter of discovering, not learning, because learning implies you’re stating from zero; but the truth is you already love yourself. When you’re born, when the amnesia happens, you forget your magnificence and think you have to earn the right to be loved. How can you earn what already belongs to you?
Things You Forgot #8 – Death Isn’t As Serious As It Seems Because You Are An Eternal Being.
Everyone on earth is eternal, but they don’t know it. They may sort of believe it, but they don’t know it. That’s because it’s too much to know. Eternity is not a concept the mind can grasp. You can try to imagine it, but then, not being able to experience it, your mind says, “Yeah, it sounds terrific, maybe true,” but ultimately it rejects what it cannot understand. That’s because it isn’t your mind that can grasp this. It’s something much bigger and more real than your mind. Begin to play with the idea that you are eternal, that you will go on. That doesn’t mean an endless existence on Earth. You just may go on in a way that is greater and more magnificent than anything you could ever conceive.
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About the Author
When she was sixteen, Annie Kagan was signed by a producer from Columbia Records. After ten years of performing her songs in New York City clubs, Annie returned to college and became a chiropractor with a private practice in Manhattan. Following a chance meeting with a spiritual teacher from the East, she began an intense meditation practice that eventually led her to leave her career as a doctor and her hectic city life in search of serenity. She moved to a small house by the bay on the tip of Long Island and returned to songwriting, collaborating with Grammy and Emmy award-winning producer Brian Keane. When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, her future took a surprising turn. She recorded her conversations with Billy from the other side and published them in her debut book, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers. www.afterlifeofbillyfingers.com

When she was sixteen, Annie Kagan was signed by a producer from Columbia Records. After 10 years of performing her songs in New York City clubs, Annie returned to college and became a chiropractor with a private practice in Manhattan. Following a chance meeting with a spiritual teacher from the East, she began an intense meditation practice that eventually led her to leave her career as a doctor and her hectic city life in search of serenity. She moved to a small house by the bay on the tip of Long Island and returned to songwriting, collaborating with Grammy and Emmy award-winning producer Brian Keane. When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, her future took a surprising turn. She recorded her conversations with Billy from the other side and published them in her debut book The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.
Dearest Annie,
Great reading on a First Mother’s Day, having an Angel Mom…!
Sincere thanks.
Thank you Annie
I do agree on some of the things of this particular article. However, the part where it says: you choose your birth before you were even born is highly inaccurate. Let’s bet thoroughly honest, no one really chooses to be born and no one truly chooses to die.Plus, how do you even know where you are going to be and what your family is going to be before the time of your birth. It’s completely, utter beyond the shadow of the doubt nonsense, This is not my ‘human side’ talking. I’m just speaking the truth. So, I’m calling out your bluff on that particular article.
You’re missing the point, It’s like the soul reincarnates and lives many lives, it chooses it before you come into this world, as in it is predestined & it knows what it needs to learn & experience something new in this lifetime etc There is a greater scheme of things set out & predetermined driven by a divine force – beyond the limitations of our human selves & comphrehension/capabilities – the soul has a greater understanding of what it wants & needs to grow and learn out of this lifetime – something we as our humans selves cant always understand .
I love your book and recommend it to many people I meet.
I read this book many times. I believe it may be true. Its a lot more deep than some of the “i saw Jesus” ones i hear about. I wont call the Jesus NDEs frauds, however i have learned to be skeptical of what i read and believe.
A chiropractor is not a doctor.
There are excellent medications that can help with auditory and visual hallucinations.
Me too!
Open heart and open mind to new ways of experiencing life.
Actually, Chiropractors have MORE education than MD’s.
How do you know you are speaking truth? None of us really have ANY right to say what is and is not truth until we die and find the truth.
I always enjoy your posts on my feed. My sister, who died recently, has channeled a couple messages to me – her memorial card and a message to set the tone for her memorial service. I hope I get more.
Thanks Vicki Cobb! @disqus_9CBfkZ3Mcz