Astrology Forecast for June 2015

Here is the Astrology Forecast for June 2015: June sends us forward and backward with a force fit for New Year’s Eve. Just as the signal approaches to gun our engines, at last, unfinished business comes calling with dollar signs and repercussions. Which way to go? There’s the paradox. Progress will occur, but with the weight of the past dogging us – until we turn and deal with it, once and for all.
The month begins with high energy and, likely, some of the brightest spirits we’ve enjoyed all year. Those levels promise to stay up all month. From the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 2nd on, fire is running throughout the sky, stoking life force and enthusiasm, fueling showmanship and playfulness, and causing sparks of emotion (anger, maybe?) to flare into into acts of passion, rebellion and liberation.
The vibe amps up when Venus moves into Leo on the 5th, bringing relationships center stage. Think glitter, champagne, gold jewelry at the beach and a willingness, nay, demand for attention. The shift bodes well for fun in the sun and a general desire to socialize — and to go for what you want, without apology. Our interactions — and our divine right to be paid — will take on playfulness, showiness, grandeur, generosity and sometimes a bit of brattiness.
We won’t see much of that last side at first. With Venus in a free flow to Saturn (June 6), a responsible, regal, even grown-up approach will prevail, encouraging many a developing relationship and financial deal to find solid, reliable parameters. Folly comes later, when Venus goes retrograde near the end of July.
The fire impulses converge in a forceful, cathartic forward push acting on — or leaping from — the turmoil of March through May. The shockwaves are over, mostly, and we’re taking crazy bold action. This flavor of frustration, motivation and zeal has banked and subsided twice before, late last September and early in March. Third time’s a charm, the saying goes, and this blast has a streak of “and I really mean it!” that’s bound to propel us finally, dramatically forward.
Jupiter is blessing the dice as he moves into a third, life-changing trine to Uranus, the agent of unpredictable change (exact on June 22). Minds unlock. Shackles fall from ankles. Fuses ignite, and we’re all human cannonballs hurtling forward. Relationships rock and roll, too, when Venus plugs into the Uranian circuit on the 29th. Resistance is futile. We’re been waiting for this. It builds all month, and where it takes you is downright exciting — probably in a good way, too.
While fire burns away the past and propels us forward, other influences complicate the picture. The second week of the month brings a peculiar push-pull. Mercury goes direct on June 11, ending a retrograde cycle that began May 19. Before he gets going and communication has a chance to return to something resembling normalcy (as if such exists), Neptune stations retrograde, the following day. With the clouds of confusion coming off this, we could all feel unmoored and woozy for a few days.
Cold hard reality starts to intervene after the 14th, when Saturn returns to Scorpio for the summer. He’s the source of the backward pull, urging — pushing — okay, requiring — us to address loose ends from 2013-2014. Issues are still on the table concerning matters we don’t talk about openly or comfortably: joint money, what we get out of every investment of time/money/emotion/energy, trust, intimacy, sex, death, debt and taxes. Clean them up or there will be consequences, though those may not be clear right now. (That haze coming off Neptune.)
Those undercurrents pervade the Gemini New Moon on the 16th. It subtly refreshes mental energy and encourages chasing bright shiny objects, but with notes of seriousness, caution and awareness of the cost. Taking responsibility for what goes in and out of our heads is one theme. People who’ve been acting like adolescents may realize they’d rather make like adults now.
Summer officially begins on June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer. The day’s chart sets the tone for the season. It’s complicated, requiring choices involving maturity and responsibility, and others pitting garden-variety desire against primal, sublingual gotta-have-it impulses. Fortunately minds and hearts are fused, and we’re all emboldened by the self-actualizing, “I gotta be me” imperative of the Jupiter/Uranus trine, which peaks the following day.
Mars enters Cancer three days later, on the 24th, and brings a nesting, nurturing, emotional quality to our actions. That could cushion the impact of our actions. It could also make some people sensitive and crabby. Act as kindly as you can. Set your sights to the future and wish for the best.
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About the Astrologer
Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.