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Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill

Maybe there’s a cultural narrative going on where people think money is the root of all evil or what have you. I actually think the real terminology was the love of money is the root of all evil. What I learned is that we need to be magnified, we need to grow. We need more leadership that has money that has good hearts. We need the good hearted, humble people to be billionaires and millionaires. More than anything, those are the people who need money.

What I had to learn is it is okay to have abundance and that there is no shame in it and that we serve no purpose by being small. Once you remove that block, which is really a worthiness issue that can come from a lot of places, and you say you know what, it is okay for me to have full spectrum abundance, which means abundance in your love life, abundance in your relationships, abundance in the wealth of the love that you share and give with your family members and your friends, and the abundance in your pocket book.


Shawne Duperon: One of the ways that you exemplify breaking through worthiness is around how we take care of ourselves because I know you used to be obese. I remember when I first started following you, I am like oh yeah, and there are those skinny, yoga people.

Bryant McGill: You could say I hated myself. I came from almost being a dead person to where I am now. I was morbidly obese. I had severe angina constricting in my heart and chest. I couldn’t even walk up a flight of stairs without stopping in the middle to catch my breath. I couldn’t bend down to tie my shoes. I couldn’t play with my daughters. Everywhere I went I wore dark sunglasses to cover the dark circles under my eyes from being so run-down and unhealthy, and to cover my shame. I was hiding.

See Also
Tamra Oviatt


Shawne Duperon: What was your breakthrough?

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