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Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill: Everything I have came from suffering. I was a bad student in life. There are some people who are smart and who just get it. I was apparently a very slow learner. It reminds me of a story. There was a young boy in his teens from a rough bullied childhood, who was broken. He had ruined all his relationships and he had no one, he was destitute. He was a sad miserable failure. He didn’t know the proper steps in life. One day he was on the side of a busy road and the only step he could think of was to go over and step out in front of one of those trucks barreling down the road and kill himself. He was afraid and he couldn’t do it. So he went back and he sat down. He was crying, and now he felt like even more of a loser. The failure motivated him to finish the act. Just before he jumped out in front of that truck, a miracle, a real miracle happened. It is good thing that the miracle happened or I wouldn’t be doing this interview with you right now because that young man was me.

The miracle was that a woman maybe in her 40s, with the most lovely and angelic countenance at that moment caught my eye across the street as she walked. And she waved and smiled. In that moment, that act of kindness reminded me that maybe the world isn’t that bad after all. I followed that women to a library and a community center where I started making friends. Her smile saved my life. An act of kindness saved my life. Everything I know was born out of pain. That’s why I am committed to being kind.


Shawne Duperon: Now I can understand why kindness is your platform, in your life and online.

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Bryant McGill: Exactly, and hey, the online platform is being kind to us! We are reaching around 50-70 million people a week. I mean it is just a phenomenon. It is a miracle. It is a testament to the fact that people are just so desperate to hear good news, just something good. We just want something good. It’s one of the reasons I’m involved with Authentic Leadership Day and Project: Forgive. And that’s why magazines like OM times are so important.


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