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Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill

Shawne: Tell me about forgiveness...

Bryant McGill: I have learned that you can’t move forward in any sphere of life or in any relationship, including the relationship with yourself, if you don’t practice forgiving others and forgiving yourself. One of the big obstacles in my life as a person who hated myself, and that sounds like a strong and ugly term, but how many people have looked in the mirror and said I hate you to themselves? It happens. I hated myself. I had to forgive myself, and for what? For what? Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do in the world is just to accept the fact that it is okay to be a human being. Forgiving yourself is another way of saying it is okay to be human. It is okay to be flawed. It is okay to have made mistakes. This much needed conversation that has been absent for far too long is being brought to us through Project Forgive and through a wonderful broadcast on PBS, which OMTimes is a big part of. I am just so grateful that the architects of this event have understood the importance of forgiveness and have worked so hard to bring this much needed dialogue into the world.


Shawne Duperon: Your sharing is beautiful. I want to tell folks where they can to go to get the Simple Reminders book.

Bryant McGill: Yes. Simply head to www.SimpleRemindersBook.compreorder-holding-book


See Also

Shawne Duperon: Before we part, is there anything you would like to share?

Bryant McGill: We started with magic, let’s end with magic. I just finished an interview on SiriusXM on The Shaun Proulx Show, and it was pure magic. Simply do a fast search on the SiriusXM website. The whole interview was about the steps that you have to take in order to move forward in your life, that you have to take those steps, or you are not going anywhere. The first steps are always the hardest, whether you’re jumping into something new or taking something to the next level, because sometimes you don’t know your direction. How can you take a step when you don’t have a compass or when you don’t have a map and you don’t even know which way to go? You are confused. Should you go left? Should you go right? Should you go backwards? Maybe the step is a leap of faith.

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