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What is Going on Behind the Scenes on Planet Earth

What is Going on Behind the Scenes on Planet Earth


Gordon Asher Davidson on What is Really Going on Behind the Scenes on Planet Earth

Interview with Gordon Asher Davidson

Author of The Transfiguration of Our World: How a Light Alliance Is Transforming Darkness and Creating a New Earth

OMTIMES: What prompted you to explore these spiritual dimensions you write about so powerfully in your book?

Gordon Asher Davidson: I had some very powerful experiences at a young age which opened the door into beautiful realms of light, and I experienced how we are all interconnected, and ultimately one with all the life around us. I have always been interested in spiritual questions of why we are here, what happens to us when we die, and how we can help each other become better, more lighted human beings.

I have explored many different spiritual traditions and I have had a deep meditative practice for most of my life. Through my meditations, I came into contact with spiritual Beings who are deeply engaged in helping humanity free itself from external control and fulfill our evolutionary potential as creative spiritual beings.

OMTIMES: What can you tell us about our deeper planetary history and the forces of light and darkness?

Gordon Asher Davidson: Earth was created to be a beautiful, garden planet with all of its abundance available to nurture the evolution of life on it. However, due to a time/space wormhole anomaly long ago in our planetary history, a group of predatory aliens from outside the planet were able to enter Earth with the intent of exploiting our people and natural resources for their own purposes. Although the planet is generally protected by higher spiritual Beings from these types of incursions, the invading ones were originally undetected for some time. Once discovered, it was decided by the spiritual Guardians of the planet that these beings would be allowed to remain in order to further humanity’s evolution. They would consistently offer a choice between the way of light, love and the good of all, and the way of darkness, selfishness and control. Humanity would experience the karma of their choices, and thus learn why the higher spiritual path is best. These predatory forces infiltrated everything and set up control systems throughout the planet millennia ago which have affected our history from the earliest civilizations all the way through the Second World War and the present time.

Gordon-Asher-DavidsonThroughout our history, spiritual Masters of all traditions have offered lighted teachings encouraging humanity to make a free choice to follow the ways of love and service, which brings about harmony, joy and spiritual and material fulfillment. Thus we have had the struggle between light and darkness for a very, very long time on planet Earth.

OMTIMES: Why was 9/11 such a significant event in the history of humanity?

Gordon Asher Davidson: 9/11 was an event orchestrated by these dark forces, generally known as the cabal, to create a powerful shock to Americans and to the world. It was intended to allow the hidden powers to institute greater controls in the U.S., and justify invading the Middle East to gain control of the oil in that region. It was successful on one level, as the fear generated allowed them to limit many of America’s freedoms, as well as launch an invasion of the Middle East. This has had many disastrous consequences for the U.S. and the world. However, this event also had one gigantic unintended positive consequence. Because the earth, as well as all the planets, is a chakra in the greater Being we know as the Solar System, the dark control of the Earth was interfering with the evolutionary progression of our Solar System and all planets within it. When the great spiritual Beings who guide the evolution of the Solar System realized that near total control of the Earth by the dark forces was imminent, they issued a spiritual decree. They decided that the unrestricted activity of the dark forces on Earth was to be eliminated, beginning with the removal of the intruding aliens from outside the Earth. This was done by giving permission to the Galactic civilizations who protect our planet to either turn these dark entities to the light, or remove them from Earth. This decree originated in 2002, and the original aliens have now been either turned to the light or removed from Earth.

OMTIMES: What about the human cooperators with these invading aliens?

Gordon Asher Davidson: A large number of human cooperators established themselves in positions of great power and control over the financial, political and social systems of the world, and have continued to try to maintain their dominance and control. However, without the leadership of the dark extraterrestrials, it has become increasingly difficult for them to maintain the control systems of the past. In addition to removing the invading aliens, the Galactic civilizations were given permission to radiate additional light, love and direct support to humanity to help us free ourselves from this control. These are some of the deeper causes of the massive social, political and financial upheavals we see our world today.

OMTIMES: What is the Light Alliance and how is it assisting our evolution?

Gordon Asher Davidson: It is becoming clearer to a large percentage of humanity, that there are other positive civilizations in our solar system and galaxy who are steadily making themselves known through the appearance of their advanced spaceships over many major cities in the world. There is also increasing evidence from the testimony of astronauts, the military, members of the intelligence community and contactees that there has long been contact between humanity and Galactic civilizations. These civilizations are more spiritually and technologically advanced than our own, and the primary intention of the Galactic Light Alliance is to help humanity transition from a planet based on fear, greed and separateness, to one based on love, oneness and the highest good of all life on Earth. They are here to assist in our evolution, protect us from those forces on Earth who have been destroying our planet, and help us move into a full relationship with their Light Alliance of many systems and planets throughout the galaxy.

OMTIMES: Tell us about the higher plan for our Earth and how it is unfolding.

Gordon Asher Davidson: Earth and humanity is intended to evolve into a lighted civilization where the energetic frequencies of love, sharing, and higher purpose are the organizing principles. This requires a complete reorganization of the planet along these higher lines, which is steadily occurring as human beings awaken and demand a more enlightened political, economic and social order. This is due to the spiritual stimulation caused by the loosening grip of the dark powers, and the increasing love being showered upon humanity and the natural world. The revelation of corruption and wrongdoing is creating transformation, with major reforms and reorganization being steadily implemented behind the scenes. This will eventually emerge into the full light of human understanding.

Beautiful Oil Painting On Canvas Of A Woman Goddess Lada As A Mi
What is Really Going on Behind the Scenes on Planet Earth

OMTIMES: How will the financial and political situation in the world change?

Gordon Asher Davidson: There has been a steady shift in those holding positions of power in the financial and political world. And there will be a culminating time when clear actions will be taken to remove those in positions of political or financial power who continue to block needed reforms. Those who have been engaged in serious wrongdoing will be held accountable, through truth and reconciliation type commissions, and given opportunities to realize their errors and make amends. A reorganization will be instituted, where banks will no longer be able to make exorbitant profits or extort money from the government. Instead, they will become public service utilities and only charge small, reasonable fees for their services. Those in government who have served only their own interests or those of the wealthy, while ignoring the well-being of ordinary people, will no longer be eligible to serve in leadership or representative positions.

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OMTIMES: What are the most useful things we each can do to assist this unfolding process?

Gordon Asher Davidson: We can hold this higher plan in our consciousness in every possible moment, seeing it being fully realized on Earth. We can meditate individually or in groups and direct these lighted ideas and vision for humanity’s positive future into the mental field of humanity. We can share these ideas with whomever we know might be open to them. We can live in a continuous state of love and joyful expectancy as much as possible, and support lighted individuals and groups to take positions of leadership to guide and transform world systems. It is also important to provide immediate practical assistance to those in the greatest need in the world. We need to change the world atmosphere from fear and insecurity to relaxed goodwill, and provide confidence to the world’s people that they will be safe, respected, and provided for so they can build creative, joyful lives.

OMTIMES: What role do groups and individual light workers play in this plan?

Gordon Asher Davidson: As individuals and groups, we can help people understand how to release all that is holding them captive in lower frequency energies of fear and anger. We can help them align with reliable sources of higher vision and universal love through connecting with their soul. We can help people understand they are surrounded by a vast, inter-dimensional community of living beings who are willing and able to provide energy and assistance whenever they are invited. We can help humanity understand that Earth is part of a greater community of beings, a vast Galactic family of interrelated civilizations. The revelation of humanity’s true place in the cosmos, and how we and the Earth can participate in cosmic evolution as a lighted chakra within the body of the Solar being, will result in our true and accurate placement of ourselves and the Earth within the infinite field of being. It will be a revolution of thought and consciousness that will dwarf the Copernican revolution by a thousand times. It will open the door into cosmic life and relationships for all humanity, and into an infinite future of Galactic exploration and creation, all within a realized oneness with the Source/Creator.

OMTIMES: What signs and indicators are there that this Transfiguration process is underway?

Gordon Asher Davidson: There are ongoing revelations and prosecutions for wrongdoing and corruption at every level of society in many countries being reported in the mainstream press. This is helping humanity understand the necessity for a major change in the organizing of our societies worldwide. The huge turnover at the top levels of the financial system indicate that the leadership is being investigated and prosecuted for its corrupted approach and misuse of financial power.

Although the dark cabal’s control of the political system still remains, there is increasing pressure for political action that serves the good of all people. The uprisings around the world are showing that humanity is awakening and demanding change, and refusing to accept lives without economic and political participation and freedom.
The weaving together of the world through the internet and exchanges of every type are building a web of communication that symbolizes the essential nature of human unity. The presence of Galactic ships over major cities worldwide is showing there are benevolent higher civilizations present that are supporting our evolution.

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About Gordon Asher Davidson

Gordon Asher Davidson can be contacted through his website , There people can order his book, The Transfiguration of Our World, sign up for his teleseminars, gain new insights about the latest developments in the Transfiguration plan on his blog, or send him an email directly.

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