The Power of Courtesy

Courtesy and the Power of Being Friendly and Courteous
There is a school of thought that power comes from ruling with an iron fist, controlling everything and everyone, and demanding that others follow. This way of being is far from powerful; it is actually a fear-based response to the world. The fear of being out of control, the fear of being left behind as others grow and create, the fear of not mattering in the world.
Instead, power comes from being in high service to others, in being friendly, and in demonstrating courtesy. This creates willing followers who appreciate the help that has been given. The person who leads with courteous, friendly, and helpful behavior is the one others value.
Consider a situation where traffic is heavy and there is a person waiting to pull out of a parking lot and into the lane. Most people do not allow the car to pull out in front of them. Notice what happens when you wave them forward. In the majority of cases, they gratefully wave and mouth thank you. While they do not know you and you do not know them, you have paid forward a kindness that may change that person’s day for the better, and it certainly elevates your vibrational level. Kindness triggers kindness, and the next time you are the one waiting to pull into traffic, someone will let you pass.
Courtesy seems to be a lost art form. Whether on the beach or while driving, odds are you have run into the discourteous person who seemingly has no awareness of how his actions affect others. Stories of this type of behavior are rampant. You probably have a tale to tell regarding being slighted by a rude person or people.
One person shared an example of a time when she was sitting on the beach with a friend to watch the sun set. The beach was empty except for the two of them. Another couple came and spread their blanket directly in front of them, blocking their view of the sunset. Despite talking loudly enough for the offending couple to hear regarding their view being blocked, the interlopers ignored them and stayed right where they were. With an entire beach from which to select a spot, they chose to sit directly in front of someone else’s view.
The energy this creates is agitated, resentful, and rude. What you create comes back to you. When similar situations manifest in the lives of those who are ignorant, they cannot imagine why and complain about those who behave similarly to how they themselves interact with others. When experiencing a series of rude interactions, it is time to take stock of what these experiences may be reflecting back.
Consider how what you do affects others, for two major reasons. First, we are all connected, so if one person does something to cause discontent for another, it brings down the vibration of the entire energy field. Even something as simple as not paying attention when you are first at a traffic signal can delay all of the people behind you. Be considerate, use common courtesy, and think of how it affects you when others act selfishly or with total disregard of others. Second, whatever you put out comes back to you three times stronger, so if you create discord and hurtful situations for others, it will come back to you in every aspect of your life.
Action Step: Take notice of how your actions affect those around you on a regular basis. What you put out comes back to you threefold. While this tip is mentioned above, it is worth mentioning again, as it is a critical concept for your success and happiness. By helping others, giving of yourself, and providing people with a positive experience, you improve your chances of receiving the support you need from the Universe and from others to achieve your desires. The energy you put out comes back similarly from places you do not expect.
Let us say you do a good deed for Harry. The energetic reward will not necessary come back to you directly from Harry, but may come in the form of help and support from another source when you need it most. If you are hurtful to someone, the negative backlash may not come back to you directly from that person, but could manifest in the form of another important relationship being compromised or the loss of something important to you. Choose to act in the highest good of yourself and others, not just because of the karmic boomerang effect, but to raise the vibration of those around you and the planet, in general. Keep in mind the direct energetic cause and effect, which gives you more control over living an uplifting life.
Action Step: Next time you help someone, notice how quickly the Universe reciprocates, what form it takes, and from whence the reward comes. Next time you do something that hurts another, notice how quickly the karmic backlash manifests, what form it takes, and how it relates to your negative action.
These two simple steps can make all the difference in how life is experienced. Being mindful of others and using a friendly, courtesy approach builds personal power for the highest good. The power to offer friendly assistance and to be courteous is available to you every minute of every day. Being remembered for kindness and high service to others creates the high and very powerful vibration of gratitude, which extends to all aspects of life.
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About the Author
Diane Wing, M.A. is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, author of five books, and an experienced guide for those ready to see things differently. For more energetic guidance, check out her book, The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility, on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Find out more at:

Author, teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant Diane Wing, M.A. enjoys exploring the mysteries of life and the way that people experience themselves and the world around them. Wing's books create a transformational experience for the reader while incorporating a bit of the unexpected.