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12 Signs You Have Experienced Life Before Birth

12 Signs You Have Experienced Life Before Birth

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This isn’t your first time around, is it? Do you remember your life before birth?

Have You Experienced Life Before Birth?

by Elizabeth and Neil Carman



Why do most people fail to recall the early events in their life such as birth, first breath, first thoughts as a baby, the first time they saw their parents, first words, first footsteps, and thousands of other hidden memories? Does an amnesia of human beginnings in this life extend to pre-birth memories? In our book, Cosmic Cradle, we suggest it does after finding a rare group of individuals who possess pre-birth memories.

We are explorers who come to Earth as a cosmic spark of consciousness from a higher Source. Our Soul, defined here as our consciousness or immortal essence, seeks experiences in a human body and agrees to a life plan. Once a Soul enters the womb, it helps to spark the growth of the fetus. The Soul adapts to the earthly world by flitting in and out of the womb and may even return to Source. By the time a baby takes its first breath, it has already completed an extensive sojourn.

Once we are born, we become trapped inside a human body and wonder where we have come from. We forget our pre-birth memories. A life-long search is spent trying to remember our cosmic status. How we happen to be born seems as mysterious as the way a caterpillar transforms itself into a chrysalis and finally into a butterfly.

The Soul’s journey to find its true nature is the quest of human life:

Who am I? Do I have a Soul? Is my Soul immortal? Why am I here?

Does my life have any purpose?

Where do I come from?

How did I get here?

Is there life after death?

Is there a Source, a Higher Power?

Throughout the ages, insights into such questions came from early philosophers such as Socrates (469-399 BCE), who argued at the end of his life: “We have clear evidence that the Soul is immortal.” Today, the same eternal message is coming from an unexpected field of inquiry: pre-birth research. Rare people report signs of immortality within their memories and pre-birth communications with the unborn children. Both types of reports open a golden door into the Soul’s pre-existent state. They serve as harbingers that validate the immortality of the Soul.

What can people tells us about their existence before entering the fetus? Each person’s memory of life before birth is as unique as a set of fingerprints and includes any combination of these twelve elements:


12 Signs You Have Experienced Life Before Birth

Life Before Birth Sign #1 – Self-aware of their true blissful nature: the physical body is a garment, a cage, shell, a temporary housing for the Soul.

Life Before Birth Sign #2 – Eternal: they know that parents do not “create” them. They are brought to birth through parents. Birth is a change from “being” to “becoming.”

Life Before Birth Sign #3 – Feeling at home: the heavenly world is their true Home, where there is a sense of belonging, meaning, and completeness.

Life Before Birth Sign #4 – Limitless love: love in the heavenly world is off the scale, intense and endless in scope compared to earthly love.

Life Before Birth Sign #5 – Soul families: Heaven is a place teeming with Souls. They exist with loved ones in groups. Beings of Light and beauty are their true family.

Life Before Birth Sign #6 – Telepathy: they report telepathy and instantly manifesting whatever they think of or travel via mere intention.

Life Before Birth Sign #7 – Spirit guides, angels, divine planners, Great Being, Creator: a Higher Being tells them they are going on a journey and will return Home one day. Guides assist in pre-birth planning and escort them to their mother’s womb.

Life Before Birth Sign #8 – Preview and life plan: their upcoming life appears like a Hollywood movie or images on a computer screen. They are given options for parents and lessons to learn.

Life Before Birth Sign #9 – Pre-birth amnesia: they may feel parts of their pre-birth memory being erased as they descend on the way to Earth. Some are also aware of amnesia gradually taking place in childhood.

See Also

Life Before Birth Sign #10 – Interest in human experience: some are reluctant to be born, whereas others have a strong desire.

Life Before Birth Sign #11 – Awareness in fetus: once the Soul connects with the fetus in the womb, most Souls feel a loss of freedom, constricted awareness, a feeling of being in a cage.

Life Before Birth Sign #12 – No fear of death: some even look forward to returning “Home.”

Tracking down pre-birth memories can be challenging since it is a rare topic of conversation, and a cultural bias exists against them. However, thousands of cases exist based on our research and reports offered by other pre-birth researchers. More than forty years of credible research in prenatal and perinatal psychology adds support on the science.

Pre-birth memories change the boundaries of medical and psychological research, and even more importantly, change our understanding of who and what we are.


Adapted from the Revised Edition of Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life Before Birth and reprinted with permission of North Atlantic Books.

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About the Authors

Elizabeth Carman, PhD., is a pre-birth awareness educator and a former community service person who worked with low-income families, adoption, and foster care. Elizabeth has spent more than forty years researching consciousness. She has taught meditation workshops and served on university faculty.

Neil Carman, PhD., served on university faculty teaching biology and the science of conscious-ness. Environmental interests inspired his more than thirty-year career in Texas. He has spent over forty years investigating consciousness through meditation.

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View Comment (1)
  • Well, I have seen few people who can remind their old life memories. Also, Life Before Birth Sign #6 and Life Before Birth Sign #8 are significant points to determine ..

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