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The Energy of Taurus

The Energy of Taurus


Life’s Pleasures and the Energy of Taurus

by Debbie Peluso

Welcome to the pleasures of life, the senses, and unlimited abundance! Spring is in full bloom. Our seeds were planted, both metaphorically and physically speaking, during the energy of Aries, and we now see, feel, and enjoy their beauty perceptually. Welcome to Taurus, lover of luxuries, nature, the arts, and the senses. All that we can see, touch, taste and hear.

Everything begins with a thought, an idea, a seed. All the flowers we so graciously planted, blooming in our yards or in pots, originated from one little seed containing the DNA intelligence to instruct it specifically to become a begonia, a daisy, a basil plant, or whatever. Our largest trees stem from one little seed with nature’s instructions to produce a tree yet all seeds have the same basic appearance. Still, within each one is encoded a formula whose source is One intelligence. There is lot of work involved to encode billions upon billions of seeds that make up all of nature, including us.

The call-to-action energy of Aries initiated our creative process. We began with a simple wish and planted the seed within our thoughts to spark our will into action. Moving on to Taurus, we translate and nourish that inner seed via our talents and self-worth into unlimited abundance, whether it is financially, emotionally, materially, or spiritually. Learning to love and value ourselves, we open up to the many opportunities our innate talents uncover to receive blessings from the Universe.

So why is it that sometimes our seed of intention does not flourish? It certainly is not the intelligence behind it, and it probably is not even the lack of willingness to work hard in achieving it. It’s the value we place on it. The translation of identity to value and self-worth may be off. Instead of looking to external circumstances impeding success, we ought to look internally as to the nourishment the seed is receiving. Are we watering it with self-love? Do we feel worthy of receiving? Are we de-valuing ourselves and what it is we are offering? Are we comparing our worth to someone else?

Throughout life we learn that if we do not value ourselves, others will not value us either. If we do not believe in what we are selling, no one will buy it. We then ask ourselves why the other person achieves success when they do not have what we offer. They may possess the most important ingredients – self-worth and the realization that lack of self-value creates limitation, both financially and emotionally. Taurus understands and appreciates the translation of identity to our monetary worth through the talents the Universe bestows upon us leading to a healthy attitude in how we earn our money, which is one of the reasons they make good financial advisors and investors.

In Kabbalah, the Hebrew letter of VAV is associated with Taurus. The meaning of this letter is the nail or hook, the Divine rod that joins the above to the below. It represents how we are nailed (connected) to the Divine so as to be guided by Divine Right Order through the power of our own inner-knowing. VAV speaks to connecting our higher consciousness, intuition, our Oneness to all to our practical living, work, and relationships. It instructs us to listen, hear, and trust our inner teacher.

Taurus naturally understands this connection of our true nature of Spirit to our physical senses. They are lovers of the physical life and recognize that life’s pleasures, food, art, massages, nature, drinks on the beach, sensuality, and most importantly, financial security are blessings from above. There is realization that the physical body is the vehicle and an understanding of the origination of our physical pleasures. One could say Taurus recognizes the Mystic within us and that the guru is ourselves. The Buddha (a Taurus) taught that all form is “empty.” All things, whether they be trees, buildings, or ourselves, are not of independent existence, but rather interdependent upon One. Taurus naturally contains the wisdom of Oneness, which explains their great love and gratitude for life and its many blessings!

Taurus/Venus in our Natal charts indicates the area of life where we hold our talents, self-worth, value, and sensuality. It is where we translate those talents into financial rewards or depending on what aspects come into play, where we may be limiting ourselves by de-valuing what we have to offer. The Tarot Card associated with Taurus is the Hierophant, which among other things, asks us to “be still and listen” to our inner-knowing. Wherever Taurus is in our charts is where we are asked to call upon our inner guru.

What does the month of Taurus mean for all of us? Enjoy life and its pleasures (within reason). Go to a spa, an art show. Connect to the senses. Commune with nature by taking a walk and reflecting on the abundance the Universe gives so freely when we open our hearts to receive. We can check the seed we planted. Is it sprouting? If not, where are we creating limitation? Where could we be de-valuing ourselves? If all is well, then appreciate the blessings and where they come from, which is the seed!

Taurus rules the neck and throat. Many of us during the Spring suffer from allergies. Engaging in yoga breathing practices can be very beneficial to us during this time. Inhaling, we open our heart by extending our arms back, slightly dropping the head back to relax the neck allowing our hearts to receive abundance.

See Also

The lesson of Taurus? We stop, listen, and give worth and value to our lives and the lives of others with gratitude.


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About the Author

Debbie Peluso is a certified practitioner in meditation, metaphysical/spiritual counseling, practicing astrologer and co-owner of Zion Yoga Studio in the Washington, D.C. area. She received her practitioner’s certification from the University of Metaphysics in association with the University of Sedona in Arizona. Visit Debbie at


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