Visitations: 12 Signs You are Receiving Them
Could unseen forces be visitations from your departed loved one?
Dreams and Visitations: Recognizing Your Loved Ones in Spirit
You have just lost a loved one and naturally spiral into expected grief. When you think you can’t navigate your way out of darkness, a glass falls off the shelf and shatters on the floor. No one pushed it, the air conditioning vent did not have enough velocity to move it and your Great Dane’s tail didn’t wag it onto the floor. How did this happen? Could this unseen force have been a visitation from your departed loved one?
The first explanatory principle of this phenomenon is to reject the notion of death as the cessation of life. We don’t cease to exist when we die; instead, we transition to higher vibrations and levels of consciousness – life continues just not in concrete, physical form. Spiritual seekers and religious devotees reject this worldly concept of death as a permanent ending and recognize that the spirit/soul/consciousness (whatever term you’re most comfortable using) continues after our physical bodies have stopped functioning. As the spirit continues in other dimensions, it will often transport back to Earth to comfort us, giving us messages and signs that our connection remains unbroken.
Visitations in Language
Our evolutionary aspect of language parallels our way of accepting afterlife communication. Consider the etymological map of the word death. Originally from the Old Danish and Norse déjà, meaning “to die, pass away,” it is connected to the phrase déjà vu, literally meaning “already seen.” This does not suggest permanent cessation. It merely means the spirit has already seen the world and lived the experience. Now, it is time for the spirit to ascend, but that ascension doesn’t preclude the freed spirit from returning to comfort, assure and soothe the loved ones who carry the misplaced burden of loss.
‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost!!!’ is a phrase used to describe a look of terror on someone’s face. We aren’t speaking of fear; rather we are speaking of Spirit, the antithesis of fright. The Old English word ghost comes from the Old English gast, meaning “soul, spirit, life, breath.” This is common to many cultural and religious traditions. Kabbalistic language speaks of three levels: nefesh (the life force of any living being), ruach (the animator of life, sometimes referred to as spirit), and neshama (the soul, a combination of the other two). In Trinitarian Christianity, even God possesses a spirit that communicates with human beings on Earth – the Holy Spirit, often called The Holy Ghost. Somehow, religious people are more inclined to trust the greater gifts of the Holy Spirit than they are the small nudges by our loved ones in spirit. They are one and the same.
Visitations, Possibly?
How do you know if you are being touched by the spirit of your departed loved one? How do you know whether you are imagining or wishing instead of actually receiving communication? These are some signs of authenticity verified as shared experiences by millions who have experienced the phenomenon of spirit communication. This means temporarily laying aside our linen linear thought, which encourages skepticism. It means being receptive to signs and symbols no matter what their origin, including the following:
12 Signs You are Receiving Visitations
Signs of Visitations 1. Poltergeist-type activity
Glasses can fall off shelves and break, breaking glass, furniture can be rearranged and objects suddenly get misplaced. Someone is asking you to take note of his presence.
Signs of Visitations 2. Electrical activity
People report flickering lights, quickly expiring light bulbs and mysterious automatic turning on of the TV or radio.
Signs of Visitations 3. Momentary change in temperature
If you suddenly feel cold when the rest of the room is warm, you are being visited.
Signs of Visitations 4. The actual feeling of someone touching you
You actually feel something brush against your back or neck or gently tap your arm.
Signs of Visitations 5. Dreams
Loved one visits you, often with a message, conversation or an embrace.
Signs of Visitations 6. Randomly finding object that belonged to your departed loved one
You may be cleaning and find your grandmother’s ring under a pile of unopened mail.
Signs of Visitations 7. Visible depression on the surface
You observe or feel a pressure, which leaves a mark in a chair or on the bed.
Signs of Visitations 8. Song on radio
A significant song plays on the radio at the precise time you were thinking of your loved one. This happens often, giving people a warm and emotional moment.
Signs of Visitations 9. Finding objects at your feet
These objects may include feathers, pennies, and stones. They are sent by spirit and not coincidental. The more aware of them you become, the more they will accumulate.
Signs of Visitations 10. Birds and butterflies suddenly appearing
Winged creatures are celestially connected.
Signs of Visitations 11. Your dog or cat takes notice
Animals are unbound by skepticism and logic. They may become occupied by something in the closet or in the corner of the room. Trust their senses.
Signs of Visitations 12. Repeated numerical sequences
Numbers, including sacred geometry, have spiritual significance. Pay attention to numbers appearing on the clock, license plates and receipts (11:11, for example).
Understanding Visitations
It takes three linear days for the spirit to make the transition from the body to the next plane. We see this most clearly in the death of Jesus. He reappeared to his disciples three days later. Other religions accept the same time frame. Sacred writings document spiritual visitations.
In some cases, the spirit visits us to reassure us that we are still connected or the spirit may be assigned the task of being a guide to us. In either case, our goal is training ourselves to be receptive, which means viewing these occurrences with our hearts rather than our intellect. An open heart is a doorway to the spirit. Remember, there are no coincidences and no accidents. Trust your heart to know these visitations are real.
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About the Author
Lisa Shaw has been a spiritual counselor, animal psychic, Reiki master and professor for nearly 30 years. In addition to intuitive work, she has trained as a Hospice Chaplain and holds an M.A. in pastoral ministry. Her e-book, Illumination: Life Lessons from Our Animal Companions, is available on Kindle.
Rev. Lisa Shaw, OMTimes Magazine Spirituality Editor, is an animal communicator, intuitive reader, clairvoyant, and Reiki Master working in metaphysics since 1986. She has an M.F.A. in writing and recently completed an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry with a specialization in loss and healing. Lisa is an award-winning English professor and has served as a hospice chaplain. This gives her sacred glimpses into the space between life and death. She devotes her Reiki practice to animals, and specializes in end-of-life issues people face with their pets.