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What Model Do YOU Promote?

What Model Do YOU Promote?


There have been a number of news articles about the struggles of the modeling world…those people who choose and are hired to put on clothes and walk the runways of fashion. The talk surrounds the size of the models; mostly, as to how large or small they are or should be. The controversy over extremes in size is just one way we may be distracted by someone or something on exhibit.

How many other such ‘models’ are there in our lives that have a distracting influence on us? Quite a few when we think about it:


“Consumer” model

Are you a good consumer? Chances are, you are, as society has been groomed by advertisers to buy, buy, and buy some more. Those of us who partake of other models are known as ‘consumers’ of goods and services both. We can be easily swayed to purchase something, or to believe what is served to us with glitz and glamor as we all strive to fit in with each other. Being a good consumer does not always mean greed; however, in its extreme, it can be an unhealthy and imbalanced way to be. This can lead us to the next model under consideration.


“Medical” model

What to do when we are unwell, and when our lives are unhealthily out of balance? We seek help from a variety of medical experts who, more often than not, have a scientific base of knowledge and ‘effective’ chemical compounds that can set us right. It does not matter if the problem is in our mind or elsewhere in our body, the medical model exists to ‘cure’ our ills. Of course, to do this someone has to “pay” for it all, which leads us to our next model.


“Money” model

Do you know the real cost? Money “talks,” after all, and it is used as the basis for doing something or not, depending on what is to be ‘gained’ in ‘interest.’ Money goes beyond banks these days, and definitely lines the pockets of various corporate entities who have an eye on the bottom line. If there “is money in it,” a proposal may be seen as ‘profitable,’ good, and positive. This may make us want to think really long and hard about both the good things we can and should do with money, as well as the many ‘bad’ things that are connected with it. In fact, much of our lives these days, from service to politics, is driven by the money machine. The ‘lack’ of money is used as form of our next model to be reviewed.


“Control” model

Are you in control of your own destiny? Chances are, if you have the money (see ‘Money Model’) it is usually seen as a measurement of how powerful and influential a person is in today’s society. It is felt that the ‘elite,’ or the top one percent of income earners fall into the category of those with the greatest control over their lives and the lives of others. However, there are many more who feel that the greater number of ‘have-nots’ hold greater control. This pull or cycle of yin and yang that exists within the balance of the control model is responsible for some of the biggest changes we may see within this or any lifetime. Yet, control is largely something each of us may come to know outside of the money model, beyond the grasp of the elite’s income, and possibly even within the confines of physical proportions themselves. This brings us to our next model….


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Extraordinary Life OMTimes

“Mystical” or “Intuitive” Model

The realm of the mystic or intuitive comes from a place beyond what many who are heavily into physicality and strict limits may acknowledge. Such ‘hardliners’ may understand the concept of what a mystic is, and may be able to intuit a few things on their own, yet would never admit or label themselves as such a being. All the while, those who live by their intuition and consider themselves to be mystical beings are quite comfortable with such things as love, empathy, emotion, feelings, spirituality, and deep understanding. The intuitive model knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are all interconnected, that our stories are intertwined, that there are great adventures to be found in other dimensions, and that much of our physical world is but an illusion. This makes these many other models quite obsolete, and almost laughable, if it were not for the fact that many people take them all so seriously.

From each model’s perspective, a different insight may be gleaned. And, of course, a danger may be said to exist from taking on any such label or identity to the exclusion of others. How much of an influence do these various models have in your life? If we think it is difficult to be a fashion model these days, just think of all these others. We can make the mindful choice of breaking the molds of these models and forming our own, unique way, which is very empowering indeed.

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About the Author

Kathy Custren, OMTimes Senior Editor, is a mother of four, who strives for balance and has a deep respect for All. Interests include education, elements, nature, humanity’s cosmic origins, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Connect with her community page “Consciousness Live” on Facebook, and read more at

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