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16 Ways to Identify a Walk-In

16 Ways to Identify a Walk-In

Walk-In OMTimes

Who or what is a Walk-In?

A Walk-In and the Soul



The Golden Era has arrived and planet Earth is witnessing a rush of highly evolved souls – the Walk-In. We can say the Atlantean Mages are back in action! Before we go further, let’s understand the dynamics of a Walk-In soul. Who is a Walk-In? A Walk-In soul is a relatively evolved soul taking over a body in place of the soul already residing in the body. The walk-out soul either moves towards the light or other dimensions. It’s a soul exchange or a pre-life soul contract made between these two souls. The evolved soul, which decides to enter a body, does that for a very specific reason: to serve humanity.

How does one identify a Walk-In or a soul exchange? Here are some possible scenarios:


16 Ways to Identify a Walk-In

1. State of coma or unconsciousness due to terminal illness and miraculous coming back to life

2. NDE – Near Death Experiences resulting in a shift in perception

3. A complete change in thought process or belief system

4. Feeling of absolute disconnection with everything you ever felt connected to

5. Inability to connect with family members or friends

6. Sudden inheritance of new interests or talent

7. Sudden fearlessness and clarity about things and situations in life

8. Forgetfulness about past incidents for a while

9. An absolute feeling of connectedness with the source

10. May trigger past life memories

11. Total change in personality – more confidence in oneself

12. An inexplicable ability to solve continuing issues in one’s life

13. Change in the speaking pattern or a pleasant assertiveness in one’s speech

14. Everyone around you perceives that you are a different person

15. Sudden quitting of jobs or career once held very close to one’s heart

16. A very strong feeling of being of service to humanity

These are some of the identifiers for a possible walk in. Some individuals might encounter symptoms of temporary amnesia where every memory of your past life goes blank for a while. Once the Walk-In soul stabilizes in the new body, the memories recorded in the subconscious of the walk-out become mirrored for the walk in. The whole process of soul exchange may be very unsettling for some.


Why does a soul exchange take place?

Here are some potential instances:

1. Long term illness or accident The individual in the body is suffering and is unable to handle his/her life and just decides to leave so that another strong soul can take over and infuse life into the body.

2. Relationship trauma Sometimes breakups, sexual abuse, deception, violent/aggressive behaviors of others can create a suicidal feeling in a person. To rescue such a soul, help is provided from the other side. This type of soul exchange is sometimes a pre-life contract. The incarnated soul decides before taking birth that it will choose to experience a certain event in its life and then allow another more evolved soul to take its place.

3. Miscarriage On occasion, a soul enters the mother’s womb for a short while and checks whether the family members will support his/her life’s purpose. If the soul finds that the current family or parents-to-be will not be able to support his/her vision, then it may just plan to leave and allow another more conducive soul to rebirth later.

4. General unhappiness This unhappiness may involve their earthly existence and exhibit itself as a complete disinterest in life. When such a situation happens, a soul decides to give up its place to another evolved soul who can remarkably turn around the situation in the walk-out soul’s life; whereas the walk-out soul decides to transition to a different dimension either for rest or to learn new lessons.

In all these particular scenarios, the underlying fact is that the body continues to be, only the soul within changes.

In addition, soul exchanges or Walk-Ins may cause a lot of distress, confusion, and misunderstandings for the people around them as well as for themselves. The soul that has walked in is totally new to the people around them, so it has to cope with fitting in issues. For people around, it’s very confusing to understand this new personality.


If you feel you may be a walk in, here are some ways to cope up with this soul situation:

1. Read as much information you can find on the internet.

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visualization OMTimes

2. Connect with others in soul Walk-In internet groups.

3. Communicate with the people around you in order for them to understand that there are transitions you are going through. Ask them to give you time and space to process these internal changes.

4. Meditation will get your 6th chakra activated and allow divine guidance to seep in.

5. Go for a peaceful retreat.

6. Change your diet to more fresh fruits, juices and vegan diet.

7. Write in a journal. Writing creates neuropathways in the brain.

8. Surrender to the pace of life. Go with the flow.

9. If you feel inclined to pursue a new hobby or interest, go ahead and do it!

10. Make new friends since the old ones may not understand you. When it feels right, try reconnecting again with them later.

11. If your soul urges a place shift, do it.

12. Be assertive in a kind way with those around you. Establish boundaries for yourself.

Finally, take it easy. It’s a new beginning – a new life. Make the best of what is to come since the past is erased. Serve humanity as much as you can. Remember, the primary agenda of a walk in is to help humanity to ascend.

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About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books, titled Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and

View Comments (8)
  • …I believe this might have been what happened to me a few months ago…If anyone can help me figure it out please do so thanks

  • It’s happening to me too so Iam watching for signs that will provide me with information. Also looking for a professional who can help. Good Luck

  • Hi Marianne,
    Can you please mail me again, so that I can share my walk in experience.
    Sorry somehow I have lost your email, so can’t seem to figure out the email id to post on!
    Looking forward 🙂

  • Hi Kayla,
    You can maybe share your experience with me, hopefully I can help you with it 🙂

  • Is this similar as soul trance? I lost my beloved sister 3 months ago and i had this weird experience of her taking over my body the 3rd day of her passing. I had never experienced this before and don’t know if it was real or I was just hallucinating due to shock of losing my best friend. I have been searching the net for answers to no avail. I am one of the skeptics of this type of subject until it happened to me. Any one of you have had this same experience?

  • So I think before boyfriend and I met 3 years ago that experienced this. 10 years ago he was in a horrific car wreck and his doctors were amazed he was still breathing from the damage done. He was in a coma for 2ish weeks. I’m not sure of any personality changes but I’ve noticed he sounded lost for so long in life since the car accident. He said he spent years wondering why he’s alive until our son was born almost 2 years ago. Could he have experienced the walk in after the car wreck?

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