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2015 Capricorn Full Moon

2015 Capricorn Full Moon


2015 Capricorn Full Moon – Astrology Forecast

2015 Capricorn Full Moon – July 1-2, 2015

7:19 PM PDT / 10:19 PM EDT / 2:19 AM GMT

9 Cancer 55 / 9 Capricorn 55


To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl give the Forecast for the 2015 Capricorn Full Moon, click the player below:


Reality As We Know It is suddenly, startlingly, drastically morphing to carry out the change imperative that has been mounting for the past three years. While shifts continue to erupt and propel us forward, the Capricorn Full Moon offers a status report filled with information about their impact on our emotions and sense of security.

The focus of the examination is our bottom line, but that doesn’t mean the exercise is cold or quiet. Even with the Moon in stern, calculating, goal-fixated Capricorn, emotions are deep and passionate. Aggressive, protective instincts have kicked in. Fierce desires have come to light. So have ugly, frightened beasties — hate, paranoia, panic and the terror of sheer survival at stake. A bottle has come uncorked. Whatever is now on the loose — maybe a genie, maybe not — it is not going back in.

The next big phase of existence is already here. Last week’s groundbreaking social and political developments demonstrated that dramatically. (Did it ever cross your mind that the Confederate flag would come down? Mine neither.) The shifts are not only collective, of course. Your own life has catapulted onto a different platform as well. This week throws emotional reflection into the mix, as we continue to experience — and come to grips with — the ongoing reshuffling, reorganizing and rearranging.

It may help to reframe your current reactions as a cost/benefit analysis. Are you getting a return that has sufficient value to you on the time/energy/emotions/sweat/money you are putting into any given situation? Is it leading in a direction that you want to go? Does it feel good or right or safe to continue the investment, or would it be better to cut your losses now?

That line of analysis reflects a theme that is with us all summer, as Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, slides back into the late degrees of resource-conscious Scorpio. The lord of rules and order demands responsible action (rewards it when it happens and imposes consequences when it does not). He is currently encouraging taking a deep breath, being an adult and dealing with potentially serious or costly loose ends from 2013-2014. They involve all manner of potentially messy, often private issues: joint finances (including splitting them, in divorce or via child support), debt, taxes, sex, trust and acting from integrity (or, at the other end, cloaking, lying or subterfuge).

Signs of how you feel about all this are rampant under the Capricorn Full Moon. Do you feel supported? Rewarded? Undermined? Betrayed? In shock? Up in arms? Determined to move on? Wherever you fall on the spectrum, and that will vary situation by situation, the emotions will end up being clarifying and, ultimately, motivating.

That’s because the two planets associated with our drive, will and actions, Mars and Pluto, are standing as honor guard to the Sun and the Moon as the luminaries reflect each other. Mars in Cancer was the last planet the Sun and Moon contacted before becoming full. All his tendencies in that sign inform the Capricorn Full Moon: tender, clucking, protective behavior toward the tribe and its traditions (with the legal concept of family lately redefined); taking things personally; acting and reacting out of heightened sensitivity, hurt feelings, or just plain prissiness.

That’s the propellant of the immediate past. The near future brings more profound and decisive emotions and action, which play out over about a week. Thank the other bookend Pluto, the first body the Sun and the Moon will contact after separating. The Moon will cross over Pluto within hours; the Sun will oppose it next Monday, July 6.

This journey underscores the personal, emotional and long-term ramifications of the fundamental restructuring that has happened in our foundations. Influences are at work that are far outside conscious command, in both directions, from instinctive, cellular coding to utterly irrational impulses to forces greater than any mortal will.

See Also

Desires and fears will be equally strong. Watch for behavior that reveals what’s going on below the surface in you and in others. Nothing is trivial. Breaks and rifts will occur that may not be mendable. And maybe that’s the point. Action hero Mars is exactly squaring the Nodes of the past and future, a dynamic aspect that pushes us to choose sides and march forward on our paths. We could make swift, clean breaks that remove obligations and goals that are not really ours, or that would not deliver an appropriate return on investment for this stage of our lives.

Hang on to the positive potential. This Capricorn Full Moon is lighting up plenty of it. Jupiter, the sky’s most optimistic and beneficent influence, and Venus, ruler of all we hold dear, are making a link to Uranus that has opened surprising possibilities. Some you’ve long wanted, some you never dared hope for, and all heartfelt to an extreme. They are the silver lining. They are the areas that will flourish because of any refocusing and eliminating that occurs now.

Some of it will even have a heaven-sent or meant-to-be streak. Neptune, the planet of higher love (and transcendence, and illusion, and, yes, delusion) is making an exact, cooperative link to the Capricorn Full Moon. This encourages marshaling the tender, nurturing potential of Mars in Cancer and acting with gentleness and love for all concerned. It facilitates invoking the bravery of Mars, Pluto’s fearlessness in the face of death, and Saturn’s preference for stepping up to responsibilities, and behaving cleanly, maturely and courageously.

Let emotions pour. (Cancers are having quite the time right now; be kind.) Be honest with yourself about your reactions and what they mean for your goals. Then act. Honestly, responsibly, lovingly.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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