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Ask Michelle Whitedove

Ask Michelle Whitedove


Ask Michelle Whitedove

Dear Michelle Whitedove,

I was told that I’m entering a phase of my life called a Shaman’s Death: I’m not dying, just transforming. Can you give me further details of what to expect as I go through this?

~Dying to know in Delaware

Dear Dying,

We are in a time of quickening and many souls are in a hurry to work though their karma. This means that you don’t have the luxury of dying a physical death to reincarnate as an infant to start again. A shamans death is a symbolic death, as you go through this evolution every aspect of your life will change: your work, your health, your home, your love life, your religion and spirituality and even your appearance will change. Your old life is over so don’t resist change. Try to go with the flow to allow a smooth transformation. You are a caterpillar that is morphing into a beautiful butterfly. What an adventure is in store for you, a whole new life!


Dear Michelle Whitedove,

I’ve found it fascinating and I’ve done much research on Past Lives and how they affect us during this lifetime. Recently I learned of “Progression” a type of reading that goes into a future life. What is your feeling on the possibility of seeing future lives for a soul?

See Also

~TimeTraveler in Tucson

Dear TimeTraveler,

As you can imagine, eternity is a long time and the prospect of many future lives is inevitable. So yes, tapping into a future life is possible. Only on a handful of occasions “The Masters” revealed a future life during the course of a reading. I find that this is helpful to a soul when they are on track in this life and are working towards a goal that will help them in their next incarnation. Such was the case when I read for a Doctor that was doing his own research to find a medical cure. Clearly I was given visions that he would become a well-known scientist in his future life and make great discoveries. This information was very valuable to him.

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