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Ask Michelle Whitedove

Ask Michelle Whitedove


God and The Ascended Masters oversee The Book of Life and the overall journey for each soul. Looking into a future life is rarely given because it’s usually difficult for our limited human mind to comprehend really advanced knowledge: imagine explaining to a Caveman the concept of a laptop. Past Life and Future Life information is granted not of mere curiosity but when there is a higher purpose.


Michelle-Whitedove_OM-TimesDear Michelle Whitedove,

It’s been said that a few people have witnessed their doppelgänger, an exact twin that is a mirror image of oneself. Can a person be in two places at the same time? If so, does the soul actually split?

~Soul Surfing in Sweden

Dear Surfer,

This is a complex spiritual concept. First, the basics: humans are multidimensional beings. As light beings we are on an eternal journey. We agree to come to Earth for a period of time yet, even while we are here, fragments of our soul are having additional experiences. We actually leave a piece of our essence in the Heavens. This tells us that we already exist in more than one place. Veteran remote viewers also know this to be true. As they sit in a room, they use their ability to project a piece of their soul to another location as a psychic spy. Here are some other examples: Twin-Flames are one soul that has split in order to have two earthly experiences at the same time. There is also the phenomenon of bi-location. This is when an advanced soul can project its lighter body to a separate location for a specific purpose; for instance when there is a world crisis. Today’s most brilliant scientists have a theory of “Parallel Universes”. Many of them believe that we are here, yet we are also having a separate life in another place. You see, time and space is an illusion; it’s like a program that only works on Earth. It does not exist in the Heavens.

See Also

The doppelgänger of German folklore is an exact duplicate of a person; this twin spirit is said to be the bringer of bad luck, tragedy or an omen of death. I believe these body doubles to be one of two phenomena. The first being when a person sees an apparition of himself; they are psychically glimpsing into the future and having a premonition. History has noted that Abe Lincoln foresaw a vision of his death. The second is bi-location; when someone reports seeing a look-like around the time of a tragedy; yet the person was known to be elsewhere. Just as our soul travels at night while the body is sleeping, our lighter body can be seen by others. We humans are beloved and a unique race of God’s children.


About Michelle Whitedove

Celebrity Psychic & Spiritual Medium Michelle Whitedove is an expert in her field and she has been featured on HBO, Bravo, Lifetime TV and interviewed by Matt Lauer on the Today Show. You can ASK Whitedove too, just email her at

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