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Be Honest About Your Health

Be Honest About Your Health


Why You Should be Honest About Your Health Challenges

Hiding the fact that we are sick can be detrimental to healing. We are facing a global health crisis and many people are trying to hide their disease; keeping it a secret so that no one knows what’s happening. Many times this is because we are brought up thinking that being ill makes us bad or unworthy and that we should be healthy at all times. Perhaps it’s time to turn that around and be honest–know that deep down inside we deserve love and support… no matter what happens.

One man with prostate cancer would not allow anyone to know he was going through health challenges. He wanted to hide it because he thought people might shun him because of his disease. Just the opposite happens when we open up and allow people to send light, love, and healing prayers. As it says in many spiritual texts, “When two or more gather in my name….” Meaning that ALL things can be healed when we come together. There was a study at Duke University showing that when people are prayed for they heal faster.

There are also times when we allow ego to get in the way, letting it convince us that we can’t show weakness, and this is especially prevalent for men. In truth, we are all weak at one time or another in our lives. We are human, vulnerable and need the help of others just like everyone else… but perhaps even a little more right now.

It is important that we heal the stigma of disease we feel inside. We heal that stigma by allowing everyone to know what’s happening so we can allow blessings of light to pour in. Granted, that’s not easy if we have 50 or 60 years of dealing with everything ourselves and not allowing people into our lives, but it can be done. A shut door does not allow light to pour in, and the light of love is part of the healing process. Without sharing our predicament the light of love cannot shine when we need it the most.

Another person who has a viral neurological infection doesn’t want to talk about it or share anything. He’s had this disease for months and he’s shut out the world because he doesn’t want anyone to find out. It’s interesting that when we most need moral support, some of us shut the door and don’t allow anyone into our life. Even if a person does not survive the disease there can be amazing amounts of comfort and love that people can provide during some of the darkest days.

From a personal experience, I remember breaking my foot by falling off the house a few years ago. I ended up having a day long surgery where they inserted 11 screws and a plate in my foot. This was incredibly painful, but thank heavens for all the family and friends that came over and gathered around me. That feeling that all these people cared for me and loved me was powerful…so powerful that I know for sure it was a big part of my healing process. I am happy to say I am back to walking 5 miles a day. It’s amazing what love can do, love is the most powerful healing agent in the world.

Health and healing are a group effort and many people will attest to the group healing process. Some studies show that those who have some kind of daily spiritual group practice get out of the hospital 3 times faster than those who don’t. They are also 13 to 14 times less likely to die from surgery. Another study shows that older people who have a daily spiritual practice with others have strokes 50% less often. These are amazing testimonials of the great power of spiritual connection, about allowing love to come into our life from people who care.

Even one of the heads of the NIH, Dr. Krucoff said a few years ago that studies about prayer and healing would have be laughed at, but now- “All of these studies, all the reports, are remarkably consistent in suggesting the potential measurable health benefit associated with prayer or spiritual interventions.”

See Also

There are many healing centers around the world that use a group model to create health and vitality. No one person is an island unto himself, we are all part of a huge mosaic of the world, where everyone is connected to everyone else. But to disconnect from that mosaic of love and healing is a choice. So do not be afraid to share health challenges. We are here to help.

This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition. This article is not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.

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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider has been a Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to connect with him any time.

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