Deepak Chopra – Consciousness Drives Evolution
Today, there are two hard problems that are considered number one and number two in science. Number one is what is the universe made of? And to make a long story short, the universe is mostly invisible, with dark matter and dark energy combined that’s 96 percent of the universe.
Four percent is atomic, but when we look at atoms, then those atoms are particles. And when we look at particles, they’re also waves, and their waves have no units of mass or energy. People are still struggling to define what is the universe made of because our current science says it’s made of nothing.
When you look at the sky and you see these vast, empty spaces between the stars and between you and the galaxies, these empty spaces are not really empty. They’re the womb of creation. Some invisible forces are manifesting, ultimately, as atoms and star stuff and everything that we call material.
But, the vast realm of reality is sub empirical where the usual methodologies of science, which is measurement, observation, experimental validation. They cannot go there because there’s nothing to measure. There’s nothing to observe. There’s nothing that you can do any experiment with.
All experiment starts once a measurement is made. Type out the phrase, “interpretations of quantum physics,” or “quantum mechanics” in Wikipedia. You’ll see one big fact that stands out: quantum mechanics is a mathematical formulism.
It explains basically the statistical likelihood of observing particles. And it’s very successful because all our technology is based on it. It’s probably the most successful science, but when you look at the interpretations of quantum mechanics you will see there are at least, at the moment 15 to 20 of them, which means we know the facts of quantum mechanics, but we don’t know what it means because we are ending up with a domain that is unobservable.
That’s true of most of where science is going right now: Superstrings, a theory that can never be validated or falsified; or multiple universes, a theory that can never be falsified or verified, because science has brought us to the door of the sub-empirical, or that which is beyond measurement. And that’s 99.9 percent of reality. The .01 percent that we can observe is in fact somehow the manifestation of the invisible realm of the universe.
Christopher Buck is the co-founder of Humanity Healing in 2007, which rippled out into the 501c3 public charity, Humanity Healing International, and its subsidiary, OMTimes Media. He is the CEO of both companies. In addition, Christopher serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Saint Lazarus Relief Fund, the 501c3 public charity for the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. Christopher had the honor of being Knighted in Malta in 2014.