Evidence of Eternity
Book Spotlight – Evidence of Eternity: Communicating with Spirits for Proof of the Afterlife
Written by Mark Anthony
The First Book of its Kind — Provocative and Riveting Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® Brings Spirit Communication into the 21st Century
Since the dawn of recorded history, millions of people worldwide have reported contact with spirits of deceased loved ones. Evidence of Eternity: Communicating with Spirits for Proof of the Afterlife is the newest thought-provoking book by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which brings decades of experience, wisdom and spiritual study together. This groundbreaking and uplifting journey into the afterlife bridges the gap between the scientific and the spiritual and removes fear and superstition surrounding spirit contact. This book is intelligent, entertaining in style and presents the scientific basis and theories concerning life after death, spirit communication (both human and animal), karma, and reincarnation. Every chapter of this riveting page turner features enlightening and exciting true stories.
Evidence of Eternity tackles many questions and concepts about the afterlife. It provides insights on difficult subjects including crime, homicide, suicide, losing a child and survivor guilt. Interwoven with these stories are new and innovative concepts developed by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which explains spirit communication in easy to understand language. Mark’s research is based on scientific principles, theoretical physics, physiology, theology, and credible evidence.
Evidence of Eternity is endorsed by the top near-death experience (NDE) researchers in the world including Dr. Kenneth Ring, who wrote, “There are many points of resonance and consistency between Mark’s work and the research on NDEs. The fascinating aspect of Evidence of Eternity is that messages from the other side take up the story after the NDE trail goes cold, but the two fit together like the proverbial hand and glove.”
“Combining science, theoretical physics, physiology, and theology, Mark Anthony does an amazing job of presenting evidence of an afterlife.” ~ Dr. Raymond Moody author of the New York Times best-selling Life After Life
“Evidence of Eternity is a riveting book opening your heart and mind to the realities of an invisible world waiting to help us. This book is unforgettable. The stories are astonishing. The message is empowering. Read this right now!” ~Dr. Joe Vitale author of the New York Times best-selling Zero Limits and star of “The Secret”
Evidence of Eternity is Book of the Month for BookReview.com and has received rave reviews by The Hollywood Times, Publisher’s Weekly, and Institute for Global Transformation, Infinity Magazine, Spirituality Today (UK), Earth Star Magazine and Leading Edge Review. It is a major spiritual bestseller and has held #1 on Amazon’s Spirituality, Reincarnation and Astral Projection bestseller lists.
About the Author
Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® is the author of the best-sellers Never Letting Go and the newly released Evidence of Eternity. He is a world-renowned fourth generation psychic medium who communicates with spirits. Mark is an Oxford educated attorney licensed to practice law in Florida, Washington D.C. and before the United States Supreme Court. In England he studied Mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science. Mark is featured regularly on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX Television and on major talk radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM, Darkness Radio, and Sirius XM as a psychic medium, paranormal expert and legal analyst in high profile murder cases. He has been featured in The Hollywood Times, The Huffington Post, The New York Post, Publisher’s Weekly, The Inquisitr News, Staten Island Realty Today and Spirituality Today (UK). Mark is a headline speaker at conventions, expos and spiritual organizations such as the Edgar Cayce A.R.E. and universities including Harvard, Brown and Yale

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