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Healer: When to Say, “Hands Off!”

Healer: When to Say, “Hands Off!”


Because it directly impacts your health, knowing when to say, “Hands off, healer,” is probably one of the most important decisions you will learn.

The unintended consequences of healing gone awry….

A healer uses their gifts to help others, making a difference in many lives. They help ease other people’s pain and energy blocks, helping them to heal. They usually are heart-centered folks who feel a calling to connect and help others, which is needed in today’s world.

Many empaths will embark on this path, wanting to make a difference in the lives of others. They feel the emotions and energy of others and long to ease the denser, heavier emotions by transforming and releasing this energy. They begin learning a modality in order to facilitate their mission.

The healer chooses to be of service to others. Service to others, given with authentic compassion and desire to help, affects change. This change happens to both client and healer. There is no difference in giving and receiving. As Yoko Ono has said, “Healing yourself is connected with healing others.”

The flow of energy does not begin or stop. It flows in both directions. If your intent is to align and connect in order to heal, then you also receive healing. Energy is limitless. We are all connected. Energy flows through all; the important thing is to realize this and be open to it.

A healer is open and able to channel the flow of energy and the client is open to receive it; thus, both benefit. Modalities may include: touch, Quantum Touch, massage, or any healing method that works with your energy field.

Before a healer embarks on that journey, it is important that they attend to their own energy first. Why? If they begin without mastering their own, then they will risk attracting unintended consequences.

The first being that they will take on the negative energy of the people they work on. Secondly, any unhealed aspects of their own energy can be transferred to you. Most modalities teach the philosophies behind each method and technique. However, teaching and knowing does not mean healing.

It takes a courageous soul to do the work of excavating and finding the wound, then processing and healing. It often shows up in layers, and the healer must be aware as it surfaces to continue to do their own healing work.


“Progress and healing involves seeing every person as not so different from ourselves.” ~ Bryant H. McGill


What are the symptoms of taking on someone else’s energy? If you leave your session feeling heavier or having a mood change that isn’t lighter, there is a good chance you have absorbed your healer’s energy. Energy healers have their own methods of cleansing their fields between clients – a sort of energy hygiene. In some cases, if they have absorbed another client’s energy, it is possible that it could be transferred to you. Mind you, that doesn’t happen often.

It is more likely that whatever wound or energy block your healer is experiencing may be passed to you. This has an increased chance of occurring if both you and your healer are empaths. If you happen to share a similar wound or energy block and you are vibrating at the same rate, it can act as interactive channel with the energy flowing both ways.

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How do you choose a healer? Were they recommended to you by a friend or colleague who had a good experience? Let them tell you about their results and what the session was like. Ask questions. The healer should be happy to answer any questions about the type of healing they do and give you an understanding of how it works.

Watch the healer’s body language and listen to their voice and what they are saying. If they are negative, evasive, or defensive, be wary. Use your intuition! When you vibe with the right healer you will know. You should feel comfortable, relaxed, and safe.

Be aware of how you feel before the session and after. All of us are a work-in-progress. No one is perfect; even healers must heal. Keep these words by Tori Amos in mind as you go forward, “Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.”

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About the Author

Lynn Zambrano advises and trains empaths and highly sensitive people all over the world to use their gifts to change their lives and the lives of others. If you have enjoyed this article, please visit her blog at:

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