Investing In Change Using Crystals

Investing In Change Using Powerful Crystals
Change is inevitable. Our lives are made up of the building blocks of change. Change creates the person we must grow to be. Change happens for a reason. That reason is to allow us possibilities we may not have seen in the first place. This can be traumatic or it can be less so.
The single most important point you can make about change is that in most cases it’s not what faces you that’s the problem, it’s how you react to it.
How you react is determined by how you perceive a particular change.
The Chinese word for crisis is “weiji”. Two characters that separately mean danger and opportunity. Every problem we encounter in life can be viewed that way. It is a chance to show that we can handle it. Changing the way you think, can change a life of stress and discomfort to a life of challenge and excitement.
Change shows itself in many forms. The move to a different career, by choice or not, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, the move to a new home or simply the change in the weather and how we feel. It is important to embrace the transition! Struggling, kicking and screaming and dragging your heels will only prolong trying to control the uncontrollable. Learn to recognize strengths you may have overlooked. Embrace optimism and reform your old belief system.
Crystals for Change
-Bloodstone brings the ability to adapt to change more easily.
-Cerussite is grounding and shows us how to understand change as it happens around us.
-Chrysanthemum Stone bring equilibrium to changing situations
-Chrysocolla allows us to accept change with calmness and serenity. It makes for smooth transitions.
-Larimar gives us the ability to “go with the flow.” It is a heart soothing stone that brings awareness to change.
-Malachite is a great stone to have, which encourage change to occur.
-Mookaite (Jasper) helps to emphasize the flexibility with change and encourages new experiences.
-Moonstone makes one conscious of the fact that all things are part of a cycle of constant change.
-Rose Quartz assists in the acceptance of change that is necessary.
Treatments for Change
Carry four of the above stones with you in a pouch, pocket or purse.
A “Change” gem essence can be created with rose quartz, malachite and Chrysocolla. Mist over the entire aura. Take 8-10 drops under the tongue every 4 hours.
Laying of Stones: Place Rose Quartz at the Heart Chakra. Use Malachite and Bloodstone at the Heart Chakra. Lay a piece of Chrysocolla at the Throat Chakra. Chrysanthemum Stone and Cerussite can be placed at the Root Chakra, at both hip bones or between the legs.
Emphasis on the Heart Chakra. This chakra helps us to embrace a changing world. It allows us to love and accept change as it passes our way. When the heart chakra is open it allows us freedom to be ourselves and to accept change that will keep us open and aware. This balance of openness to change and accepting it freely, gives us an even stronger ability to then follow our heart’s desire without fear.
Crystal Elixir: Make up a crystal elixir with bloodstone and larimar. Add sunflower oil and rosemary essential oil. Massage this oil onto the Heart Chakra in a circular motion. Apply this elixir to the pulse points on the wrist, neck abdomen and top of feet.
Meditation with Clear Quartz: This stone shows us clarity of change and sees us through the other side Meditate with this stone in your dominant hand or both hands together. Place the stone in front of you or meditate in a circle of clear quartz.
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About the Author
Connect with Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac at
Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has been in the alternative health field for over 18 years. He is an expert in treating infertility and gynecology, pain management and anti-aging therapies. His knowledge, expertise and clinical training has offered him the ability to experience and continually learn about the body and its energy system in health as well as in disease.