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James Connor: The Superyogi Scenario

James Connor: The Superyogi Scenario

James Connor: There’s a fun chapter in The Superyogi Scenario that compares the findings of quantum physics to Buddhist teachings. The punch line of quantum physics is there is no truly existing physical world independent of the observer. Quantum physics is adamant that reality can’t be defined until it’s observed. The classic example is every particle in the universe exhibits wave particle duality. If you measure it as a wave, it behaves like a wave. If you measure it as a particle, it behaves like particle. It has no true nature. It’s the pen/chew toy thing. All the superpowers share this one piece of wisdom.

OMTIMES: Do you think that we could see people develop superpowers?

James Connor: I think people in this world are already more powerful than they know. Every person’s thoughts and actions have a profound ripple on the future.

What’s interesting is when you study ancient meditation and yoga texts, there hasn’t been a major lineage holder in the last 25 centuries that says that supernatural abilities like flying in the sky, reading minds, or becoming invisible don’t exist. Instead, there are many stories and well-documented accounts of master yogis performing miraculous deeds.

What I did in The Superyogi Scenario is take them at their word and describe precisely how the ancient texts say abilities like reading someone’s mind or walking on water is achieved.

I’ve included 18 verses from The Yoga Sutra in The Superyogi Scenario that the heroes use to develop their abilities and deal with their new powers in ethical ways.

See Also

OMTIMES: Who are the heroes in The Superyogi Scenario and what powers do they have?

James Connor: There are four main heroes. Diamond Mind is a former Navy SEAL who got into yoga and meditation to help him deal with his mental and physical injuries from the War in Afghanistan. He overcomes the perception of a separation between self and others, so he can read minds. He helps Airspeed, a yogi and Air Force pilot learn to fly without a machine using meditations on the sky body and empty space. Samsa has super-strength. She’s kind of the Superman of this universe, except she’s the most rebellious of the heroes. And then there is Father Agua, a water-bending priest.

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