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Let Your Chakras Guide You

Let Your Chakras Guide You

Let Your Chakras Guide You to Your Deepest Yearning

by Priyanka Bakhru Talwar

The human story involves beginning with love, being wounded by those we love, seeking or escaping love, and then finally coming back to love. Every single aspect of our personality develops from this core, and it all starts with that first wound to the love in our hearts. The first blow in our formative years creates the original yearning to heal it, and so the shaping of our personality, beliefs and defense mechanisms begins. There are only two original yearnings -the yearning for belonging and the yearning for freedom. Both of which motivate us, drive us, torture us and fulfill us.


The Relationship of Our Chakras

Now, let’s study the relationship between the chakras, these soul yearnings and the emotional wounds that everything pivots around. The seven chakras can be the most magical guide to unearth our deepest yearning, and by association, the original wound to our innocent selves, which get formed during the formative early years of our lives. The first wounds are either abandonment or rejection.

Assessing the emotions that relate to the lower chakras, a blocked root chakra causes physical fears and patterns about the basics or roots – finances, food, home, survival and physical health, etc. The emotional belief that manifests all of these is ‘I don’t deserve to be on this earth,’ and therefore, a tendency to energetically manifest difficulty with the basics of living. A blocked sacral chakra involves fears and patterns around sexuality, guilt, joylessness and a seriousness of being. All of these stem from a core belief that ‘I have to prove my right to exist and to receive’ making everything tougher and harder.

Both of these harmful self-beliefs start with the wound of abandonment. In infancy or even in the womb, if a child is made to feel unwanted by its mother or if the mother is unable to care for the child, the soul’s introduction to this world is one of fear, anxiety and abandonment, and that forever becomes how we view and deal with the world. Depending on the degree of the wound and other family dynamics, this pattern would either create a weak, fearful and clingy person or an indifferent, aloof escapist. In either scenario, the soul’s deepest yearning is to feel a sense of belonging – one that it never received from the moment of birth.


Analyzing our Chakras

Tracing the patterns of anyone with a core root or sacral block will inevitably lead to a yearning for and a life lesson of belonging. Individuals with a root and/or sacral chakra block will most often find these aspects the most difficult and untenable, either by circumstance or within our own psyche: the ability to forgive people, to courageously allow them to love them, emotional intimacy and building a family. The inner most dreams and fantasies will involve making a mark in the world in order to prove in some indelible way that they deserve to belong here.

If the core blocked chakra is one of the higher ones, either the heart or the throat chakra, the soul’s deepest yearning will always be freedom. The core wound received during the formative years is rejection, either from one or both parents. This usually occurs with critical, over focused and strict parenting. As a child develops and learns about life, when there are too many dos and don’ts imposed, the child grows up constantly feeling wrong in its behavior and therefore, rejected for who he or she is. The emotional belief that forms is ‘I am not loved as I am. I have the need to be a certain way, achieve certain things in order to receive love,’ and so the heart chakra becomes blocked because the flow of love is conditional to performance and behavior. Sometimes, this also causes a throat chakra block because freedom of expression is so rigidly curtailed and thought through for fear of rejection and whiplash. This belief creates an adult who struggles with giving and receiving love, is either a martyr or dictatorial and often has patterns of betrayal and disloyalty. At the core, we are yearning for complete and utter acceptance from those around us, almost permission to be who we really are. The fear is that if we allow ourselves freedom to be, we will be neither loved nor accepted. Our inner most dreams and fantasies are about running away, starting afresh, even suicide in extreme cases – the ultimate freedom.

As we navigate the energy body, either personally or as healers, and arrive at the core chakra block, healing can be achieved beautifully by correlating the blocks to either the yearning for belonging or for freedom. Both are inner beliefs and restrictions, and true growth will occur as soon as we gift these to ourselves. For the lower chakra blockage, the journey is about opening up to connections, to belonging, to stop holding ourselves apart for fear of abandonment. For the higher chakra blockage, the healing process is to grant ourselves the freedom to do as we please, to say what we want and to release ourselves from the need for external approval and permission.

The middle chakra of the solar plexus is the chakra of control, power and faith. This chakra is rarely a core block, but rather symptomatic. It is the action chakra, so it will become blocked if rigid control is being applied to protect oneself or if there is excessive dependence on others. Both these traits are super imposed on the lower or upper chakra wounds. Similarly, the third eye and crown chakras are also connect chakras and become blocked as a result of the original flawed belief. A complete denial of our inner self or of a higher power will often block a crown chakra, whereas a conflict in the outer and inner image will result in a third eye chakra block. All three of these chakras are defensive chakras, which protect us from the core wound and from emotional vulnerability.


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An Exercise for Our Chakras

A great exercise to discover for ourselves the truth of these wounds and yearnings is to observe someone close to us who has some of the fears opposite to ours or receives easily what we most struggle with. For example, if I resonate most with the yearning to be free and recognize that I have a blocked heart chakra, observing keenly the behavior of someone in my life who feels completely free and loved will help. I will mostly find that they receive because they never did feel rejected, and so there is no wound to protect. I may also find that they likely struggle with or have anxiety about money or the future as well as have several fears about death, mortality, the supernatural or intimacy, which I likely don’t.

These are the two yearnings of the human soul – to dream of belonging and to dream of freedom. We can heal the chakras to fulfill our soul or heal our wounds to balance our energies. Either way, let us each find the road to our joy!


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About the Author

Priyanka Bakhru Talwar is a certified practitioner of chakra balancing, integrated clinical hypnotherapy and crystal therapy in Mumbai, India. She is also a Reiki master and conducts workshops on mindful parenting and chakra healing. Her healing philosophy is about finding our authentic selves and the process of unbecoming. Contact Priyanka at: or

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