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5 Lessons for Dealing with Ultra-Sensitive Children

5 Lessons for Dealing with Ultra-Sensitive Children


The Truth About Ultra-sensitive Children

by T. Arlivia

Children of the new generation are known by many different labels and titles. They are called psychic kids, ultra-sensitive children, energetically sensitive children or intuitive. However, all of them share some major commonalities. These ultra-sensitive children are all profoundly aware of the spiritual realm and ultra-sensitive to the energies that surround them.

Under the age of thirteen, these spiritual star blazers are here to transform our generation for the better. For those who have the privilege of knowing and interacting with these children, it is very clear they have an important role in the ascension of our consciousness. Their mannerisms and behaviors mirror that of old sages or distant light beings in their speaking truth and wisdom far beyond their years. If you are aware of intergalactic energy, their light bodies emit a frequency of cosmic energy so strong that it can be spellbinding. Why are these indigo, crystal, rainbow and star energy children so ahead of their time? What is their purpose here? More importantly, how can we connect with them?


5 Lessons for Dealing with Ultra-Sensitive Children

Ultra-Sensitive Children Lesson #1 Know Your Child

If you are a parent or caregiver, you will want to know the child inside and out. Yes, this may be obvious to many people. Consequently, in today’s busy lifestyle, it is easy to miss a few things. Take the time to observe your child in different settings in order to see which environments they feel the most comfortable in. Also, figure out their likes, dislikes and how things make them feel. What activities or topics hold their attention?

These children need to be in nature and have their own sanctuary to recharge their life force. Celebrate the very things that make them unique and different from other children. Also, encourage your child to know and accept themselves. When children know and accept themselves, it is much easier for them to cope with new situations and happily co-exist with you. These are the messages and clues coming from the soul of your ultra-sensitive child. Pay attention!


Ultra-Sensitive Children Lesson #2 Be Aware of Your Energy

Being your own authentic, high-vibrational self is the only way these children will respect and listen to you. Their energy frequencies are based on the energies around them. This is especially true for emotional energy. Ultra-sensitive children are so perceptive that they instantly know a person’s truth, even before the adults have had time to process their own truths. There is no way to hide dirty laundry with them.

With an uncanny ability to read others’ emotions and thoughts, it is impossible for these children to feel comfortable with anything or anyone who isn’t coming from a pure place. This can happen even when adults have the best intentions. For example, if you are not in a good space energetically, these children will immediately pick up on it. Problems in the household, a bad day at work or the daily frustrations of life can be a very intense experience for them. These children are extremely psychic, so be aware of the energy you give off with your thoughts. Are you thinking positive thoughts about the child or about yourself? Raising your own energy or correcting imbalances in your aura will greatly influence their behaviors in a positive way.


Ultra-Sensitive Children Lesson #3 Show vs Say

Show them truth and integrity through your actions, not just your words. Words mean very little to these children. What do you do to show you are interested in what they are interested in and what they feel? How do you respond to them? Yes, the children can be logical when solving puzzles or doing something similar. However, they don’t fall into the masses and are not the ones who will believe every word you say.

Remember to also “show” through your body language and tone of voice. Slumped shoulders and a monotone voice make anyone uncomfortable! Maintain good posture and use that confident, yet happy tone deep down in you. “Do as I say and not as I do” will not work with this bunch of children.


Ultra-Sensitive Children Lesson #4 Find Like-minded Souls

Unless the child is that special type of ultra-sensitive hybrid who doesn’t have a problem with socializing, it will be very hard for him or her to adjust to social situations with people who are judgmental. These situations may bring on anxiety, panic attacks and can be downright overwhelming for an ultra-sensitive child.

They are psychic in ways we don’t yet understand. Open or subtle cues of dislike, non-acceptance or judgment will cause them to completely shut down. On the other hand, being around other children or adults who have the same personality and mannerisms has quite the opposite effect. Being around others who are like them can turn “I’m different” into “I’m normal because Tommy is just like me.” Allowing ultra-sensitive children to be around like-minded people can help give them the courage and confidence they need to thrive.


See Also

Ultra-Sensitive Children Lesson #5 Practice Inner Balance & Teach Respect

The Elders and Ascended Masters have always advised those who interact with ultra-sensitive children to teach them the value of respect. Respect and balance with the universe is a large part of their soul’s mission here on this planet. It is one of the main reasons they were brought here at this time. They have a higher purpose, a calling that we are obligated to honor. Harmony with oneself and others creates a cycle of inner peace and balance that will last a lifetime.

Teach them, through demonstration, an eagerness to share power, about having humility, as we are all connected to Divine consciousness. Be open to unconditional love and appreciation for yourself, your ultra-sensitive child and for others. Set healthy boundaries out of love and compassion created from a place of personal freedom. In this way, they can identify and remember their reason for coming here in the first place. These are the true meanings and teachings of respect handed down from the Creator.

Transparency, honesty and a dose of healthy openness will bring out the best in ultra-sensitive children. Make daily interactions fun and meaningful through hands-on experiences. Do special activities often for your ultra-sensitive child because he or she is an extra special gift from the Higher Forces. Celebrate the small victories and genuinely enjoy their presence.

In short, this new generation of ultra-sensitive children are here to raise consciousness and teach love to the planet on a collective vibration. In order to reach them, respect their opinions. Love, laugh, give lots of affection, be patient, attentive to their needs and acknowledge their feelings. Be willing to co-create an experience that promotes personal freedom, joy and acceptance. The unconditional love, soul healing and spiritual evolution these children have to offer are the blessings humanity has been waiting for.


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About the Author

T. Arlivia Early is a 12th generation shamanic intuitive medium, angelic communicator, New Generation Children’s Coach, and founder of A Sacred Soul. She advocates for ultra-sensitives through metaphysical business consulting, motivational speaking, spiritual teaching and professional writing. To learn more about A Sacred Soul or book a session with T., please visit

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