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Well-Wishing and the Wishing Well

Well-Wishing and the Wishing Well


Reach back, way back into the recesses of your being. Depending on your soul age, you may have to reach back a few lifetimes or two, to the point where most useful water was obtained from a well. In the very olden days, entire settlements grew in number around the town well, where most everyone would go to retrieve a few containers of the precious resource.

Perhaps it was an artesian well, where water flowed with a bit of pressure, and weary travelers passing through town could count on visiting to quench their thirst after a long an often dirty or dangerous journey. Might the well of your deep remembrance be one that required a bucket on a rope that got lowered down and raised back up? Could the well of your long ago past be more of a watering hole, shared by man and beast alike?

Any or all of these examples may be something with which we identify. If we are honest about our spiritual journey and presence in a number of lifetimes and places, there may be other ‘sources’ of water that resonate with us. Consider that of all these possible other lifetimes, there could be but a few main elements that remain etched in our psyche, that carry our spirit forward into other experiences.

The water element being a means of connection is one such primary (re)source. It is at least seen as a refreshing one, and carries us in ways that other elements do not. The documented experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto show that water crystals are influenced by their environment. The vibrations of the very words we use have a physical effect on the very structure of the water.

As we are mindful of the words we use, and also keep in mind that the energy of word vibrations carry over to the water, we may see that it is in our own power to make great change happen. Our very being promotes the choices we make. We choose to be here, and poof! Here we are. We choose to eat something, and we do. Our internal satisfaction with all of this is reflected by the very echo it makes on the water we carry within our bodies. This, in turn, is reflected in our external world, and even that is open to acceptance or not.

Perhaps you are considering that your own, individual satisfaction is not always felt; or that your desires are not always heard. How many people live every day with the angst and dissatisfaction that comes with life? Quite a few, yes, indeed. There may not be anything more frustrating than to see an ideal and be unable to achieve it; to have a desire to be somewhere other than where one is now; to need something one may need and not be able to provide it.

Because of these contrasts, and maybe in spite of them, we still continue. Life continues to offer possibilities, choices we can choose, which come to us…how? The many chances for change flow to us with the water—both the physical parts of it we feel and the spiritual or etheric parts we sense. These opportunities meet up with the fire of our choice and can be brought and manifested into being.

This is why it is so important for each of us to mindfully examine and reflect upon what we see, for there are many people out there making choices that are not always very inclusive and healthy—for themselves and others. We all have the power to help influence the kind of change we want to BE and SEE in the world. –How many of our spiritual heroes and ascended masters have told us this?

When we are encouraged to “go with the flow,” it means much more than just riding the rough waters of the society or association in which we find ourselves at any given moment in time. It is an active choice to listen to the opportunities that come to us. The water element, which quenches our thirst so satisfyingly, is offering us so much more. Were we to look at the water element as more than just “this glass of water” or even the amount we hold in the sac of our own body, maybe we could envision a much larger picture of possibility.

What do we do with that possibility? Folks have been working to control that for the longest time now, with varying forms of success. What part each of us plays in the grander play of water-filled possibilities, in this realm and beyond, truly does depend on how open we are to that vision, and how much we go with the flow.

To that end, many of us, in immeasurable numbers, have been ‘wished well.’ We do this encouragement to this very day. We offer ‘wishing wells’ to engaged brides and mothers-to-be; we offer well wishes to people who are ill, in the hope they regain health; we wish young people well as the enter school at a young age, or go off to college at an older one, that they might learn well from the words and teachers who enter their stream of awareness.

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We direct these water-based possibilities forward because we, ourselves, have been wished well. We have been the recipient of these well-wishes, and water does manage to promote the best of intentions. No matter where we travel, past, present, and future, our watery element of possibility is a stabilizing factor we must keep in the forefront of our awareness.

We cannot be deterred by the fact that water takes various forms and can slip through our fingers. If we have a thirst that needs to be quenched, a desire that needs to be brought to being, even a solution to a problem that has been nagging at the corner of our consciousness, we do need to elicit our choices amid the mist of cloudy possibility, go with the flow and stimulate the lovingkindness and passion to embody the ways of change with a sense of satisfaction, and solidify our manifestations knowing they are the right choices to be made at the right time.

On behalf of the water that is with all of us, I encourage and wish you to “be well” with your flow and your choices.

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About the Author

Kathy Custren is a mother of four, who strives for balance and has a deep respect for All. Interests include advocacy, the arts, communication, education, health, humanity’s cosmic origins, nature, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Visit her page “Consciousness Live” on Facebook, and her site at

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