What is the Ego, Exactly?
What is the Ego?
By Guy Steven Needler
In human terms, the ego can be loosely recognized as a state of being-ness. That being-ness can be described as, if someone is considered to have a “big ego,” they are considered to think a lot of themselves and are ambitious. These people are usually highly materialistic and not in control of their thoughts. Conversely, if someone is considered to have little or no ego, they are considered to be introverted or lacking in ambition. They are usually not very materialistic and are generally in control of their thoughts.
In both of these cases, the ego is the controlling factor in our daily, incarnate lives, with the size of the ego alluding to the level of control the ego has on us. So, if the ego has control of us, what is it, exactly?
The ego is a creation, a temporary creation. It is created as a result of an “aspect” (our soul) of our True Energetic Self (TES). The TES is also sometimes called the Over Soul, Godhead, or Higher Self. This aspect is separated out from the TES and projected into the lowest frequencies associated with our multiversal environment, to experience, learn, and evolve in an accelerated way.
To experience this evolutionary acceleration, the aspect (soul) must enter into the frequencies in the way they are best experienced, as if it were part of them. To do so, it needs to associate itself with a vehicle that it can animate energetically. This vehicle is, in our instance, the human form. Notice the word “form,” and not “body.”
It is classified as the human form because it uses ten frequency levels to create it: Three gross physical, four physio-spiritual (the partially energetic condition that makes up the semi-physical/energetic components of the human form, sometimes called the “Astral”), and three energetic frequencies that allow the TES to project an aspect of itself, complete with sentience. These interact in an energetic “step down” function that allows partial communication between the aspect and the TES, whilst associated with the lower frequencies that make up the human form.
This condition of being in “partial communication,” or even almost “zero communication,” is what creates the ego. The ego is, therefore, a condition where the sentience associated with the energies that are the aspect (soul) associate themselves in an isolated or individualized way with the gross physical aspect of the human form, the “body.” They “are” the human body.
The ego is a temporary or transient condition, because it can only exist whilst the human form is operational (alive), and, when we are not self-realized. When the human form demises (dies) it dissolves. Although, the experiential memories of what we are whilst incarnate are not lost, because they are always transmitted to the TES in parallel with the experience itself. The ego can also be dissolved if we work on our spiritual development and regain contact with our TES or higher self. The ego knows this and does everything in its power to stay in control, in power, “alive,” for as long as it can, and so will work hard on arresting our spiritual progression.
As incarnate aspects of our TES, our main role is to become spiritually self-realized whilst incarnate, resuming communication with our TES in the process, and working in the physical whilst not being of the physical. In this condition, there is no room for the ego and it dissolves. The ego also knows this and is patient, sly, and resourceful. It can use convoluted methods to trick and fool us into thinking we have mastered it.
The ego infuses us with feelings of self-consciousness, failure, depression, success, materialism, status, and pride. Success and pride are two emotions the ego uses with skill, because we can feel these emotions as a result of being pleased with our spiritual progress. And, when it uses these to the best of its ability, we can “think” we are making spiritual progress when, in effect, we are not. Notice how some of the most spiritual people also have the biggest egos!
The very moment we think that we have mastered the ego, we have lost the battle. The ego is back in control of us and our thoughts, and we lose some of our spiritual progression. So stay aware, stay observant by observing yourself in a passive and nonjudgmental way, and look for the signs of the ego rising within you. Then act upon it, and continue your spiritual progression and your goal of becoming self-realized whilst incarnate.
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About the Author
Guy Steven Needler learnt how to explore the realities above our physical existence. He performs healings, readings, and lectures worldwide. His ‘Traversing the Frequencies‘ (TTF) workshops teach how to explore the realities he experiences. Guy has five published books, The History of God, ‘Beyond the Source – Books 1 & 2’, ‘Avoiding Karma’ and ‘The Origin Speaks’ which illustrate his discoveries. Discover more:
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