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9 Tips for Tranquility

9 Tips for Tranquility


Find that Elusive Peace and Tranquility

by Dawn Demers

Is tranquility elusive? Let’s face it life can be stressful. Finding ways to create space for peace and tranquility in our lives is critical to our sanity! When we are able to increase our positive outlook on life we can reduce stress and maybe even avoid a little unnecessary stress too. When we are in a peaceful and positive space we can renew and rejuvenate ourselves. This gives us the energy and strength to continue on our life’s path with grace and dignity in spite of day to day challenges.

Here are some suggestions to assist you in fostering tranquility in your life.


9 Tips for Tranquility

Tranquility Tip #1 – Surround yourself with the positive!

Take inventory. Pay attention to where you place your focus. What images do you have displayed around you in your home and office? How do spend your time? What shows do you watch on television? Are these images and activities in alignment with the life you want to create? Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive images. It is ok to be aware of the realities of the world around us but we do not need to become obsessed with the negative programming on the news, television and other media. Place your focus on what uplifts your spirit. Surround yourself with positive images that will nourish your spirit. Choose images, visual affirmations and experiences that inspire you and make you smile. By surrounding yourself with uplifting images and thoughts you will have more to give when you go out into the world.


Tranquility Tip #2 – Think positive, speak positive, be positive!

What are you thinking about? The law of attraction states that we attract to us what we focus on. Watch your words, they are powerful magnets. Pay attention to your thoughts. Avoid getting wrapped up in negative trains of thought, gossip or conversations that contain things you do not want to attract into your reality. These are trains to nowhere good and you don’t want to board them. Remember you can choose the thought patterns to follow and which ones to reject. If you notice yourself getting caught up in a negative thought pattern that is full of drama, judgment or negative emotion it won’t feel good. Pay attention and when you catch yourself in that situation and make a conscious choice to shift your focus for the time being. If it involves an issue you need to resolve you can come back to it from a higher, more positive perspective at another time.


Tranquility Tip #3 – Simplify your life!

Minimize external demands and simplify your life. Get rid of clutter and “stuff” that you do not use. Are there things you can do without? Practice the art of saying “No” to taking on tasks and responsibilities that are not necessary or supporting of who you are becoming. No, you do not have to do it all!!! Seek balance!


Tranquility Tip #4 – First things first!

Do the most important tasks first and enjoy doing them. Avoid physical and mental clutter by setting priorities and sticking to them. Focus on those things that truly matter and learn to appreciate the process of doing the task more than getting it done. Once you can move to a state of appreciating the process you will be amazed at how much more efficient productive and joyful completing tasks becomes.


Tranquility Tip #5 – Take time to develop you!

You are important! You are a phenomenal person! You are a beautiful spirit! You are doing an extraordinary job and you are loved and appreciated for it!! So take time for you. Take time to develop a spiritual practice. Take at least 10 to 15 minutes each day to meditate, contemplate or just relax. Transcend the world of thoughts and find peace in stillness. Make it a priority to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually every day, because you are something that really matters! Just MAKE time!!


Tranquility Tip #6 – Immunize yourself!

Be immune to the drama of others, it is not your drama. Have you heard the saying, “Not my circus, not my monkeys”? Do not get caught up in the opinions of others. “Other people’s opinions are note of your business.” Flattery, criticism and judgments are ego driven and fear fed. Set your intention each day to release your ego and live from a place of love rather than fear. Embrace your higher self, every day. We all have challenges, we all slip up and get caught up in drama from time to time. Don’t beat yourself up when your slip, just catch yourself and redirect. Find the silver lining in every situation by staying in a space of appreciation and carry on. Know that there are blessings in every situation; sometimes we just can’t see them until later.


Tranquility Tip #7 – Be selfless. It is fun!

Give selflessly without expectation. Not just monetarily, but give of your time, your attention, and your kindness. Be a giver. Be of service to others. Recognize that we are all connected. We are all reflections of each other. So be kind to others as in turn you are also being kind to yourself. Maintain a peaceful attitude. Even in the face of conflict ask your higher self, “How can I be of service in this situation?”


See Also

Tranquility Tip #8 – Practice forgiveness and breathe a sigh of relief!

Forgiving another person doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to condone their behavior or make nice with the person and go on like nothing happened. Forgiveness means that YOU have to let it go and no longer have the need to retell the story. It means that you have released the emotions, which by the way were only hurting you not the other person anyway, and have chosen to move. This frees both you and them from the story surrounding the event. Doesn’t it just feel like a huge weight is lifted once you finally submit to true forgiveness?! Phew!


Tranquility Tip #9 – The art of blessing. Thank you! Thank you!

Live in a place of gratitude, each day, throughout the day. Give thanks for the good things, for the bad things, for the easy things and for the hard things. Live in a space of appreciation and gratitude. Find the blessings everywhere, in every situation. The more blessings you find the more you will see. Practice the art of blessing daily. Mentally bless others in your life, your home, your office, your town, your state, etc. Even bless strangers walking along the street. Bless the person who cuts you off in traffic. Bless the person you just had and argument with that said something to you that was hurtful. Just the energy of the positive act of blessing can uplift another and yourself!

Try these tips to create more peace and tranquility in your life. Consistently practicing even just one of these suggestions throughout your week is guaranteed to lift your spirit and make you smile more. Smiling more is a great measure for less stress. Each of these tips provides you with a technique to manage stressors more effectively so that you can achieve a happier quality of life and live your life at a more tranquil pace. Give these tips a try because we can all use more peace and tranquility in our lives!


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About the Author

Dawn Demers is a Strategic Coach, Change Master, and speaker. Her life’s mission is to help others find their true path and live a life of their dreams. Dawn’s training includes Pranic Healing, Reiki and other healing modalities in addition to traditional bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees in business and psychology. Learn more about Dawn at ACORDA Strategic Coaching,

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